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Mayo 19, 2024 a las 11:53 MAÑANA EAT
Agama dodomae - Photo (c) Alyssa Semerdjian, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Alyssa Semerdjian
Identificación de carolyn98103: Agama dodomae, un miembro de Lagarto de Fuego (Género Agama)
Añadido el 26 mayo 2024
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Abril 19, 2024 a las 02:26 TARDE PDT


First Margined White I’ve ever seen in Seattle! Previous Seattle records were mentioned in a 1946 publication, but none for Seattle since then. And it visited the butterfly meadow I’ve been working on to create better butterfly habitat in for some years now! At first, I assumed it was going to be a cabbage white, which I actually don’t see very often in this opening in the woods, but with darkened veins and no dark wing tips, I think I indeed got a margined white here! I already have a lot of our native Tower Mustard - Turritis glabra (formerly Arabis glabra) growing here if it wants to come back to lay eggs.

The Tower Mustard is a species that I had found on a list of Seattle's lost native species 25 years ago, but then found one colony of the plant still in Seattle, and I established 2 new colonies here with seed from that first colony I found here, including this one in Lincoln Park.

Pieris marginalis - Photo (c) Ed Hass, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND), subido por Ed Hass
Identificación de carolyn98103: Pieris marginalis, un miembro de Mariposas Blancas (Género Pieris)
Añadido el 03 mayo 2024
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Abril 22, 2024 a las 12:42 TARDE PDT


I expect this is the same butterfly as I recorded in the same place 3 days earlier, because that was the first record of this species in Seattle since maybe 1946, and odds favor 2 sightings of the same butterfly in 3 days, over a first and second butterfly in 3 days of this species not recorded in Seattle since 1946.

Pieris marginalis - Photo (c) Ed Hass, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND), subido por Ed Hass
Identificación de carolyn98103: Pieris marginalis, un miembro de Mariposas Blancas (Género Pieris)
Añadido el 03 mayo 2024
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