Get ready for a round of old Acer platanoides observations with unedited photos. I also didn't have my measuring tape that day, so was unable to measure the trees' cbh, which may not have been useful anyway. I'll move the bark shots to the first position to aid the CV
Bent over by a large branch
Rouge National Urban Park, Bob Hunter Memorial, Tallgrass Trek. Bumble Monitoring team.
Rouge National Urban Park, Bob Hunter Memorial, Tallgrass Trek. Bumble Monitoring team.
Rouge National Urban Park, Bob Hunter Memorial, Tallgrass Trek. Bumble Monitoring team.
East Don River Parkland trails
Rouge National Urban Park, Glen Rouge Campground and Mast Trail.
***Unfortunately found this guy dead same location three days after these photos were taken.
This muskrat was hanging around the same area for a few days. Saw it a few times munching away on cattails. Seemed healthy enough the day before found dead. It was unusually tame and very approachable, not seeming to be bothered by people coming close. Not sure what happened to it. Foul play or natural causes?
Smaller then the other ~300 Canada Geese in area. Stubbier bill and steeper forehead. Body striping seemed more emphasized.