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Octubre 18, 2018 a las 09:03 MAÑANA EDT


Common Name: Crustose Algae
Location Found: found while diving at 12 ft on a rock at the bottom of the sea floor among other rocks, shells, and algae
Habitat Types: found on hard substrate, intertidally to subtidally
Physical Description: greenish, pinkish reds and browns, size varies, appear as a crust, a cushion or a stain
Fun Fact: This species is some among some of the deepest-growing algae!
Source: 'Marine Life of the North Atlantic' - Andrew J. Martinez

Boreolithothamnion glaciale - Photo (c) akinisbet, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de taraduffy: Boreolithothamnion glaciale, un miembro de Coralinas (Orden Corallinales)
Añadido el 22 junio 2024
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Octubre 18, 2018


Lithothamnion glaciale is a form of crustose algae distributed along the Atlantic coast of North America as well as the northeast coast of the Atlantic. This species is found encrusting rock, boulders, pebbles, shells, etc at a depth range of 0 to 70 m. This organism was found while scuba diving in 10 ft of water, encrusting a mussel shell. This species can reach up to 20 cm across. It is usually found to be deep pink in color with some hues of violet. A fun fact about this species is that it also can be found as a free-living fragile branched nodules.


Boreolithothamnion glaciale - Photo (c) akinisbet, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de taraduffy: Boreolithothamnion glaciale, un miembro de Coralinas (Orden Corallinales)
Añadido el 22 junio 2024
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Noviembre 5, 2019 a las 12:18 TARDE UTC


Common name: Fern Bryozoan
Scientific name: Bugula turrita

Habitat types: epiphytic on eel grass and algae, found on rocks.

Observed: in the salt marsh, but possible washed ashore into the muddy area.

Physical description: bushy, tufted, light yellow.

Fun fact: Dried Bugula is often used as decorations.

Used the Martinez guide: Marine Life of the North Atlantic to identify.

Crisularia turrita - Photo (c) Kevin C. K. Ma, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Kevin C. K. Ma
Identificación de taraduffy: Crisularia turrita, un miembro de Animales Musgo (Filo Bryozoa)
Añadido el 17 mayo 2022
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Other Animals

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Animales (Reino Animalia)




Noviembre 5, 2019 a las 12:18 TARDE HST


Common name: n/a
Latin name: Thuiaria thuja
Location found: On the sandy banks of a salt marsh in Ipswich, MA.
Habitat: Found in a variety of environments including rocky subtital zones, shallow, and deep depths.
Physical description: Has a central branch with a "brush" of side branches.
Fun fact: Was discovered in 1758

Crisularia turrita - Photo (c) Kevin C. K. Ma, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Kevin C. K. Ma
Identificación de taraduffy: Crisularia turrita, un miembro de Animales Musgo (Filo Bryozoa)
Añadido el 17 mayo 2022
Añadido como parte de un cambio de taxón

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Octubre 22, 2019
Crisularia turrita - Photo (c) Kevin C. K. Ma, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Kevin C. K. Ma
Identificación de taraduffy: Crisularia turrita, un miembro de Animales Musgo (Filo Bryozoa)
Añadido el 17 mayo 2022
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Noviembre 8, 2018


Heterosiphonia plumosa is found on sand covered rocks in the low intertidal. This red alga has bushy, deep red-brown fronds, arising from a basal disc. Branching is repeated pinnate, branches are spreading and alternate. They are an invasive species from the Pacific where it occurs in Japan, China and Korea, and from Alaska to California. Using a microscope, it can be seen that main
branches are multiple cells thick and side branches coming off
of the main branch are one cell thick. This is an identifying characteristic!

Fun Fact:
It was first found on the east coast of the U.S. in 2009 in Rhode Island and first found in Maine in 2011.

Dasysiphonia japonica - Photo (c) alex_shure, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por alex_shure
Identificación de taraduffy: Dasysiphonia japonica, un miembro de Algas Rojas (Filo Rhodophyta)
Añadido el 20 febrero 2022
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Noviembre 5, 2019 a las 11:27 MAÑANA EST


Common name(s): Eastern Mud Sail
Location found: On the muddy bottom of a tidal creek next to a salt marsh in Ipswich, MA
Habitat types: Found in intertidal areas with a muddy bottom
Physical description: 15mm-30mm long, with a shell that has 5-6 whorls the shelly is faintly decorated with beaded lines.
Fun fact: While native in Massachusetts Tritia obsoleta is an invasive species in San Francisco Bay

Ilyanassa obsoleta - Photo (c) arnel, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por arnel
Identificación de taraduffy: Ilyanassa obsoleta, un miembro de Caracoles, Babosas Y Parientes (Clase Gastropoda)
Añadido el 31 octubre 2021
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Octubre 26, 2018


Location found: This dead Threeline Mudsnail was found on the berm of Long Beach, Nahant, MA.

Habitat types: Its range extends from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Florida, and can be found on sandy or muddy bottoms intertidally to 90m.

Physical description: The shell of the Threeline Mudsnail is elongate and ovate with a high, conical spire and a convex body whorl. The aperture is ovate and notched at both ends; outer lip is thin, inner lip is strongly arched. Color is generally whitish to tan, but can darken to this observed brown color. Max size is 1.9cm.

Fun fact: Also known as the Basket Whelk and Dog Whelk, it is a scavenger and often found on dead fish.

Martinez, Andrew. Marine Life of the North Atlantic: Canada to Cape May. New York: Aqua Quest Publications, Inc. 1994.

Ilyanassa trivittata - Photo (c) Femorale, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de taraduffy: Ilyanassa trivittata, un miembro de Caracoles, Babosas Y Parientes (Clase Gastropoda)
Añadido el 26 octubre 2021
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Noviembre 5, 2019


Common name: Carpet Sea Squirt
Scientific name: Didemnum vexillum

Habitat types: covers hard substrate in shallow areas up to 213'.

Observed: Night diving on canoe beach about 25' at the chimney's on the rocks.

Physical description: Encrusting, yellow

Fun fact: Was possibly introduced to the area from shipping boats and is highly invasive.

Used the Martinez guide: Marine Life of the North Atlantic to identify.

Didemnum vexillum - Photo (c) Tom Turner, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Tom Turner
Identificación de taraduffy: Didemnum vexillum, un miembro de Ascidias (Clase Ascidiacea)
Añadido el 11 diciembre 2019
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Noviembre 3, 2019


Common name: Atlantic surfclam
Scientific name: Spisula solidissima

Habitat types: sand and mud from low tide to 100'
Observed: Dead; While walking my dog along Pavilion Beach.

Physical description: heavy, large, triangular shell, white with a large brown spot.

Fun fact: Gulls are seen carrying and dropping the calm on hard surfaces to break the shell.

Used the Martinez guide: Marine Life of the North Atlantic to identify.

Spisula solidissima - Photo (c) Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY)
Identificación de taraduffy: Spisula solidissima, un miembro de Almejas, Ostiones, Mejillones Y Parientes (Clase Bivalvia)
Añadido el 11 diciembre 2019
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Noviembre 5, 2019 a las 12:18 TARDE UTC


Common name: Fern Bryozoan
Scientific name: Bugula turrita

Habitat types: epiphytic on eel grass and algae, found on rocks.

Observed: in the salt marsh, but possible washed ashore into the muddy area.

Physical description: bushy, tufted, light yellow.

Fun fact: Dried Bugula is often used as decorations.

Used the Martinez guide: Marine Life of the North Atlantic to identify.

Bugula turrita - Photo (c) pvlocicero, todos los derechos reservados
Identificación de taraduffy: Bugula turrita [inactive], un miembro de Animales Musgo (Filo Bryozoa)
Añadido el 11 diciembre 2019
(Especie o grupo inactivo)
Other Animals

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Animales (Reino Animalia)




Noviembre 5, 2019 a las 12:18 TARDE HST


Common name: n/a
Latin name: Thuiaria thuja
Location found: On the sandy banks of a salt marsh in Ipswich, MA.
Habitat: Found in a variety of environments including rocky subtital zones, shallow, and deep depths.
Physical description: Has a central branch with a "brush" of side branches.
Fun fact: Was discovered in 1758

Bugula turrita - Photo (c) pvlocicero, todos los derechos reservados
Identificación de taraduffy: Bugula turrita [inactive], un miembro de Animales Musgo (Filo Bryozoa)
Añadido el 11 diciembre 2019
(Especie o grupo inactivo)

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Octubre 26, 2019 a las 12:21 TARDE EDT


This shell from an Atlantic Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) was found while diving by the jetty at Green Harbor. Approximate depth:7 feet
Atlantic surfclams are typically found in sand and mud from the low tide line to a depth of 100 feet. Atlantic surfclams can be found from Nova Scotia to South Carolina. Atlantic surfclams are identified by their large yellow beaks and fine concentric lines on the surface of their triangular shell. Atlantic surfclams range in color from white, yellow and black. Atlantic surfclams can grow to be 8 inches long and 5 inches tall. The Atlantic surfclam extends it's foot between it's valves and buries itself in the sand, exposing only their siphons.

Spisula solidissima - Photo (c) Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY)
Identificación de taraduffy: Spisula solidissima, un miembro de Almejas, Ostiones, Mejillones Y Parientes (Clase Bivalvia)
Añadido el 11 diciembre 2019
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Octubre 24, 2019 a las 03:30 TARDE EDT


Common name: Dog Whelk
Location: Boothbay
Habitat: Rocky shores and estuaries.
Physical description: Small rounded shells with a pointed spire.
Fun fact: Used to produce red-purple and violet dyes.

Nucella lapillus - Photo (c) Leonid Rasran, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Leonid Rasran
Identificación de taraduffy: Nucella lapillus, un miembro de Caracoles de Las Rocas (Familia Muricidae)
Añadido el 11 diciembre 2019
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Animales (Reino Animalia)




Noviembre 5, 2019 a las 12:18 TARDE EST


Common name: N/A
Location: Smith Island
Habitat: Grows on any hard substrate
Physical description: Long branching colonial hydroid, can grow up to 25 cm
Fun fact: Can grow down to 800 m deep.

Animales Musgo - Photo (c) Karolle Wall, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Karolle Wall
Identificación de taraduffy: Animales Musgo (Filo Bryozoa)
Añadido el 11 diciembre 2019
Other Animals

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Animales (Reino Animalia)




Noviembre 25, 2019 a las 05:45 TARDE EST


Nahant,MA (Google, OSM)


Common name: Taylor's Social Tunicate
Location: Nahant, MA
Habitat: Typically found in on or around rocks in areas of strong current.
Physical description: Orange, red in color with a large attachment and center siphon.
Fun fact: Each individual can be as tall as they are wide!

Anémona Plumosa - Photo (c) Stefan, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Stefan
Identificación de taraduffy: Anémona Plumosa (Metridium senile)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2019

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Enero 8, 2015 a las 01:05 TARDE EST


Common name: Blood star
Location: Canoe Beach
Habitat: Coastal benthic zones
Physical description: Five thin limbs, red, 5-12 cm
Fun fact: Can reproduce asexually through regeneration.

Henricia sanguinolenta - Photo (c) Julien Renoult, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY), subido por Julien Renoult
Identificación de taraduffy: Henricia sanguinolenta, un miembro de Estrellas de Mar de Cinco Brazos (Familia Echinasteridae)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2019
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Septiembre 24, 2019 a las 05:46 TARDE EDT


Nanant, MA (Google, OSM)


Common name: Wine-Glass Hydroids
Location: Canoe Beach
Habitat: Found in shallow water on rocks, kelp and other algae.
Physical description: 1" high and up to 12" wide, white color
Fun fact: Reproductive features are conical and grow in a zig-zag pattern up the 1" stem

Obelia - Photo (c) Daniel, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA)
Identificación de taraduffy: Género Obelia, un miembro de Hidrozoos (Clase Hydrozoa)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2019
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Noviembre 5, 2019 a las 11:27 MAÑANA EST


Common name(s): Eastern Mud Sail
Location found: On the muddy bottom of a tidal creek next to a salt marsh in Ipswich, MA
Habitat types: Found in intertidal areas with a muddy bottom
Physical description: 15mm-30mm long, with a shell that has 5-6 whorls the shelly is faintly decorated with beaded lines.
Fun fact: While native in Massachusetts Tritia obsoleta is an invasive species in San Francisco Bay

Tritia obsoleta - Photo (c) James Bailey, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por James Bailey
Identificación de taraduffy: Tritia obsoleta [inactive], un miembro de Caracoles, Babosas Y Parientes (Clase Gastropoda)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2019
(Especie o grupo inactivo)

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Septiembre 21, 2019 a las 10:42 MAÑANA EDT


Common name(s): Marine springtail
Location found: Pump house beach Nahant MA, on surface tension of tidepool
Habitat types: surface tension of tidepools
Physical description: Six legs, cylindrical body covered in small hairs, slate blue in color, 3mm in length, singular short pair of antennae, abdomen has 6 segments, thorax has three segments

Fun fact: Unlike most springtails marine springtails cannot actually ‘spring’ themselves into the air.
Information from:

Anurida maritima - Photo (c) Jason J. Dombroskie, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Jason J. Dombroskie
Identificación de taraduffy: Anurida maritima, un miembro de Colémbolos (Subclase Collembola)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2019
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Cangrejo de Rocas del Atlantico (Cancer irroratus)




Noviembre 4, 2019 a las 09:26 MAÑANA HST


Common name: Rock crab, Atlantic rock crab
Location found: This crab species occurs on the eastern coast of North America, from Iceland to South Carolina
Habitat type(s): Rock crabs live over a large depth range, from well above the low tide line to as deep as 790 m. They live on a variety of substrate types including rocky and loose material.
Physical description: This crab has nine marginal teeth on the front edge of the carapace beside each eye, and reaches a carapace (with purpleish-brown spots that distinguishes it from the Jonah crab which has yellow spots) width of 133 mm
Fun fact: Cancer irroratus's salinity tolerance changes throughout its life cycle

Cangrejo de Rocas del Atlantico - Photo (c) hunterefs, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de taraduffy: Cangrejo de Rocas del Atlantico (Cancer irroratus)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2019
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Alga Ladrón de Ostiones (Colpomenia peregrina)




Septiembre 23, 2019 a las 10:28 TARDE EDT


Common name: oyster thief and bladder weed.

Location found: alive individuals found at 15 ft while scuba diving, attached on rocks.

Habitat type: this species is found in littoral rock pools, in localities that are not exposed, and also in the sublittoral to a depth of 3m.

Physical description: it is a small brown alga, bladder-like, hollow and membranous, up to 9 cm across. The surface is thin and smooth but often collapsed or torn when older. Olive brown in colour and attached by rhizoidal filaments to rock at the base.

Alga Ladrón de Ostiones - Photo (c) tangatawhenua, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por tangatawhenua
Identificación de taraduffy: Alga Ladrón de Ostiones (Colpomenia peregrina)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2019
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Octubre 22, 2019
Bugula turrita - Photo (c) pvlocicero, todos los derechos reservados
Identificación de taraduffy: Bugula turrita [inactive], un miembro de Animales Musgo (Filo Bryozoa)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2019
(Especie o grupo inactivo)

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Octubre 22, 2019 a las 05:38 TARDE EDT
Molgula manhattensis - Photo (c) Damon Tighe, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Damon Tighe
Identificación de taraduffy: Molgula manhattensis, un miembro de Ascidias (Clase Ascidiacea)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2019
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Tunicado Marino Asiático (Botrylloides violaceus)




Octubre 21, 2018


Common Name: Orange Sheath Tunicate

Location: Found on the bottom of a tidepool near seawall picnic area, Southwest Harbor, ME.

Habitat: Hard substrate in protected areas at the low-tide line to shallow subtidal waters along the entire Atlantic Coast.

Physical Description: Colonial, forming fleshy crust. Zooids arranged in twisting rows. Color varies from orange to yellow to reddish.

Fun fact: This tunicate is prey for gastropods and nudibranchs.

Source: Martinez, Andrew J. Marine life of the North Atlantic: Canada to New England. Aqua Quest Publications, Inc., 2003.

Tunicado Marino Asiático - Photo (c) Robin Gwen Agarwal, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Robin Gwen Agarwal
Identificación de taraduffy: Tunicado Marino Asiático (Botrylloides violaceus)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2018
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Octubre 18, 2018 a las 09:03 MAÑANA EDT


Common Name: Crustose Algae
Location Found: found while diving at 12 ft on a rock at the bottom of the sea floor among other rocks, shells, and algae
Habitat Types: found on hard substrate, intertidally to subtidally
Physical Description: greenish, pinkish reds and browns, size varies, appear as a crust, a cushion or a stain
Fun Fact: This species is some among some of the deepest-growing algae!
Source: 'Marine Life of the North Atlantic' - Andrew J. Martinez

Lithothamnion glaciale - Photo (c) akinisbet, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de taraduffy: Lithothamnion glaciale [inactive], un miembro de Coralinas (Orden Corallinales)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2018
(Especie o grupo inactivo)

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Ostras Y Ostiones (Familia Ostreidae)




Octubre 19, 2018 a las 02:21 TARDE EDT


The eastern oyster is found in water of reduced salinity, intertidally to subtidally in depth to 40', from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. The shape is very variable, as it depends on the type of substrate the oyster grows on and by the surrounding location. The rough shell has a mild curve and is narrow at the hinge and gradually widens. They grow to 10" in size.

Fun fact:
This is the official state mollusk of Connecticut and Virginia.

Marine Life of the North Atlantic by Andrew J Martinez 

Ostión del Altántico - Photo (c) Fabio Moretzsohn, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Fabio Moretzsohn
Identificación de taraduffy: Ostión del Altántico (Crassostrea virginica)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2018

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Musgo de Irlanda (Chondrus crispus)




Octubre 8, 2018


Location Found- Found 10 ft deep of off pumphouse beach in Nahant, MA

Habitat-Found intertidally to subtidally from the arctic circle to the New Jersey

Physical Description- Grows like turf on rocks with flat dichotomously-branched algae. Usually deep red. NO bumps were found on the stalk or blades

Fun Fact- Can be harvested for an emulsifying extract called carrageenin.

Source: 'Marine Life of the North Atlantic' - Andrew J. Martinez 2010

Musgo de Irlanda - Photo (c) Susan J. Hewitt, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Susan J. Hewitt
Identificación de taraduffy: Musgo de Irlanda (Chondrus crispus)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2018
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Noviembre 5, 2018 a las 03:21 TARDE EST


Photo taken under a microscope

Location: Found dead washed onshore at Pump House Beach, Nahant, MA.

Habitat: Lower intertidal waters.

Physical Description: Bushy red fibers with many alternating branches along a central axis. Puffs a bit at tips of branches.

Fun Fact: Invasive, originally from the Pacific Ocean.

Dasysiphonia japonica - Photo (c) alex_shure, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por alex_shure
Identificación de taraduffy: Dasysiphonia japonica, un miembro de Algas Rojas (Filo Rhodophyta)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2018
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Octubre 14, 2018 a las 12:07 TARDE EDT


Common Name: orange sheath tunicate
Location found: attached to a dock, found alive
Habitat type: Typically found on hard substrates or on the surface of algae. Common fouling organism. Subtidal to 100 feet.
Physical description: Color ranges from purplish or reddish to orange. Can grow to 12.7 cm. Zooids arranged in twisting rows, circles, or clusters around recurrent pores. B. diegensis has few excurrent pores.
Interesting fact: Invasive to the northwestern north Atlantic. Native to California. Thought to have been introduced in the 1980s.
References: Pollock, Leland W. "A Practical Guide to the Marine Animals of Northeastern North America." Rutgers University Press, 1998, p. 284.

Tunicado Marino Asiático - Photo (c) Robin Gwen Agarwal, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Robin Gwen Agarwal
Identificación de taraduffy: Tunicado Marino Asiático (Botrylloides violaceus)
Añadido el 10 diciembre 2018


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