19 de octubre de 2022


For this walk, I went to my usual spot which is the Res and the forest around the Res. While walking for around 40 minutes, I came to the realization that fall was finally here! The orange, red, and yellow leaves, and the leaves in the floor announced that fall was here. In this walk, I focused on trying to find Bryophyta, polypodiopsida, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. I noticed it was most difficult to find a polypodiopsida in my walk. I wonder why it was so difficult. However, I got to see some really interesting and beautiful plants. While continuing to do my walks around the Res, one can realize just how diverse the Res is and how many species are visible in such area. From animal to plants to fungi, I've learned to really appreciate these walks. At the end of my walk, as I was returning to my home, I found this beautiful tree which was a spectacle to behold.

Publicado el octubre 19, 2022 07:25 TARDE por fcastillo13 fcastillo13 | 8 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

06 de octubre de 2022

Fungi Exploration

For today's walk, I wandered for 30 minutes around the forest near the Res. Today was a very monotonous day, so this walk felt very refreshing. However, it wasn't the most beautiful day since we are approaching winter and the sun was nowhere to be seen. On my way to the forest, I saw a group of fungi that really caught my attention for the shape that they displayed. After reaching the forest, it was most exciting to find fungi growing out of dead tree trunks which were rather fascinating. Hearing the scrapes of leaves and the sound of nature is always refreshing when walking around the forest which let me feel at peace while desperately trying to find fungi. Would definitely do it again!

Publicado el octubre 6, 2022 06:26 MAÑANA por fcastillo13 fcastillo13 | 6 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

30 de septiembre de 2022

First iNaturalist Nature Walk

For today’s nature walk, I decided to walk along the reservoir for approximately 40 minutes. The walk felt really short because of how distracted I was admiring nature. It was cold as well which might explain why I didn’t see many birds. The first observation I made while walking towards the reservoir was a group of fungi that are organisms that belong to the eukaryotic group. Even though it was cold, I was able to appreciate the transition from summer to fall, and I saw many different eukaryotic organisms such as fungi and metazoans, which included a bank of swans and squirrels.

Publicado el septiembre 30, 2022 08:55 TARDE por fcastillo13 fcastillo13 | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
