Archivos de diario de septiembre 2022

30 de septiembre de 2022

Reservoir Walk

Friday morning I went for a walk around the chestnut Hill Reservoir. It was cool with a slight breeze and the sun was shining. Before I got to the reservoir I walked through the Pine Tree Conservatory right next to the plex. I saw a leafy green ivy type of plant growing in a patch of tall wild grass. As a walked around the res I found a bunch of wildflowers growing from the rocks and dust of the walking path including the white and yellow flowers. Halfway around the res, I was a few swans sticking their long necks underwater looking for breakfast. Staying above the water and still relying on fish as their main food source I can imagine that birds with longer necks would have more success obtaining resources than other birds. Being able to easily access a food source would help increase the fitness of longed-neck birds and could have been a trait that was selected for. Also around the res, I found a leafy green plant growing right on a large rock. Lastly, I discovered a plant with soft, fuzzy leaves.

Publicado el septiembre 30, 2022 02:39 TARDE por katielavelle13 katielavelle13 | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
