Archivos de diario de julio 2018

12 de julio de 2018

My Feathered Friends | Flagstaff, AZ

I've always loved hummingbirds, but this summer, my love for them has grown even stronger.

Today I started photographing my visitors and have been enjoying the fact I now have the ability to identify their individual faces. For the sake of not overloading my profile with everyone who I have photographed, I have selected to upload a few individuals here, but words cannot describe the joy they have all brought to my patio!

The other day I went outside to watch an eventful monsoon downpour that involved heavy rains, some hail, partially clear skies and the ever-fresh scent and feeling of rain-cleansed air. After the rains ended, I was immediately surrounded by hummingbirds who curiously fluttering in circles to take a closer look at me while I admired them. As I watched them watch me, a thrilling feeling of joy washed over me that felt like a wave of electricity coursing through my veins.

Each day as I stand at my door or window watching the tiny birds eat, chirp and engage in feisty acrobatics, I find myself entering into a sense of flow, losing track of time from the pure enjoyment of just admiring their beauty.

I feel honoured to have these little-ones stop by every day and I am more than willing to have a pot of nectar boiling every afternoon in order to keep them happy and coming back all summer.

Publicado el julio 12, 2018 10:01 TARDE por lunamothkd lunamothkd | 22 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario