The Green Man
I found a stone carving of the Green Man in my neighborhood yesterday, and it made me very happy.
As naturalists we are all familiar with the Green Man, whether we know him by that name or not.
The Green Man is a personification of the powerful magic of nature, which we see most movingly as the natural world splendidly renews itself in the spring. Even in the tropics there is something like spring, when the dry season ends and the rainy season begins.
We all respond to that rebirth of nature at every level, viscerally, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.
And the power of nature renewing itself is particularly uplifting and inspiring to humans right now in this time of COVID-19, when, from a human perspective, disease and death are stalking the Earth and we are cowering in our burrows.
Green Man is a piece of powerful mythology, and his depiction is found in numerous cultures all round the world and throughout history.
In much of the northern hemisphere, the spring awakening is in full force now, even here in NYC. The unstoppable power of nature to start anew and afresh means that even a dandelion in full flower can move me to tears.