How can I use it

Pool Crew


Anyone with a computer or smartphone with Internet can use iNaturalist to

It's fun to meet folks with similar interests and participate in projects that other people on iNat are running.

Scientists & Experts

Researchers, conservation organizations, or other people interested in downloading iNaturalist data can use the export tool. All our licensed, research-grade observations are also indexed by GBIF, where you can search and download them using their tools.

Scientists and taxonomic experts can provide enormous value to the iNaturalist community by helping to identify observations. Try checking the Identify section, searching for observations without identifications, or searching for observations that still need to get down to species. The search filters allow a bunch of different ways to find exactly what you're interested in, so play around!


Many high school and college-level instructors have used iNat as a way to engage students with nature use mobile and web technology. We've tried to summarize some of their findings, protocols, and lesson plans in the Teacher's Guide.

Friends of Parks

Bioblitzes can be fun ways to reach out to a park's community to record useful biodiversity data. Many parks have used iNat for their BioBlitzes, a few relevant materials are summarized in the Bioblitz Guide.

Revised on abril 20, 2022 09:42 TARDE by loarie loarie