Unido: 16.jun.2020 Última actividad: 10.sep.2024 iNaturalist Patrocinador mensual desde abril 2021
Hi there I-Naturalists!
I'm a full-time I-Naturalist, avid hiker-traveler, plant-finder, bird-watcher, bug-seeker, herp-lover--which takes me to many interesting natural places where I enjoy taking WAY too many photos. I love nature and find all living things fascinating and worth studying. I appreciate all comments, corrections and confirmations to my observations, and I look forward to seeing your sightings in nature too. I-Naturalist tip: The more Projects you join that match your interests--the more expert eyes will see and confirm your observations.
As a former research/reference librarian, I'm always thrilled to share new learning tools. I hope you will discover some interesting print and online, mostly California-focused, Nature Resources below to help you verify and learn a bit more about your species sightings before and as you add them to INaturalist. The INaturalist app and Seek app can be useful tools in the field for a quick, but only tentative I.D. of species. A.I. (or Computer Vision) isn't that reliable or perfect yet!
Irene's (aparrot1 on INaturalist) Favorite Nature Resources: (sorted by author's frequency of use, in no particular order)
Irene's Bird (Aves class) observations worldwide on INaturalist: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&taxon_id=3&user_id=aparrot1&verifiable=any
The Cornell Lab (Birds in U.S. and Canada, includes Compare with Similiar Species) https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/
Xeno-canto: Bird songs, sound recordings, bird range and migration map: https://xeno-canto.org/about/xeno-canto
Audubon Guide to North American Birds https://www.audubon.org/bird-guide
Ebird with species description, range map and sound recordings: https://ebird.org/explore
Law's Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada, John Muir Laws, California Academy of Sciences, 2007
National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, ed. Jon L. Dunn, 7th ed., 2017
National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of Western North America, ed. Jon L. Dunn, 2008
Monterey Birds, Don Roberson, 2nd ed. 2002, sponsored by Monterey Peninsula Audubon Society
Merlin Bird ID: How to use/get the portable App (Bird ID help for 8,500+ species) https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/
Found Feathers Resources (comprehensive list with links by INat featherenthusiast): https://foundfeathers.org/resources/
Found Feathers: INaturalist Project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/found-feathers
Found Feathers (worldwide) I.D. Tool: https://www.fws.gov/lab/featheratlas/idtool.php
Irene's Feather observations on INaturalist, worldwide: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?project_id=125924&ttl=900&v=1725598515000&place_id=any&verifiable=any&subview=grid&user_id=3188668
How to Tell a Raven From a Crow (sound recordings, photos): https://www.audubon.org/news/how-tell-raven-crow
The Roadrunner by James W Cornett January, 2001 (includes photos of Roadrunner eating large rattlesnakes)
Birds of Colombia, by Steven L. Hilty, March, 2021 (excellent color illustrations, species distribution maps, QR codes,)
Irene's Ebird Profile: https://ebird.org/profile/MTIwNjIzMg and my worldwide checklists: https://ebird.org/mychecklists
Amphibians and Reptiles of California: https://californiaherps.com
Gopher Snake vs Rattlesnake: 5 Key Differences: https://a-z-animals.com/blog/gopher-snake-vs-rattlesnake/
California Snakes Range Maps: https://californiaherps.com/snakes/snakesmaps.html
Reptile Database (worldwide) https://reptile-database.reptarium.cz/
Amphibians Amphibiaweb: https://amphibiaweb.org/site.html
Desert Lizards by James W. Cornett, 2006 (excellent photos, rangemaps and anecdotes)
INaturalist Project: Anoles of the World: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/anoles-of-the-world
Irene's Anole observations, worldwide: (they look like little dinosaurs)! https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?project_id=111597&ttl=900&place_id=any&verifiable=any&subview=grid&user_id=3188668
Irene's Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths) observations worldwide on INaturalist: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&taxon_id=47157&user_id=aparrot1&verifiable=any
Sensory Visual Treat of 2850 confirmed species of Moths in Colombia on INat: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&project_id=86876&quality_grade=research&ttl=900&view=species and 2177 confirmed species of Butterflies in Colombia on INat: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=7196&quality_grade=research&taxon_id=47224&view=species
Butterflies of Monterey County: a comprehensive guide to finding and identifying 91 species of butterflies in Monterey County, by Chris Tenney and photograher Jan Austin, August 2023, and Butterflies of Monterey County (companion website to text): https://www.montereybutterflies.online/
Butterflies of the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento Valley Regions: A Field Guide, Arthur M. Shapiro and Timothy D. Manolis, 2007
Law's Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada, John Muir Laws, California Academy of Sciences, 2007
eButterfly: (2115+ species) https://www.e-butterfly.org/ebapp/en/observations/explore
Butterflies Through Binoculars: The West: a field guide to the butterflies of western North America, by Jeffrey Glassberg, 2001
BugGuide: Butterflies and Moths (U.S. and Canada) clickable categories or use search bar: https://bugguide.net/node/view/57
Field Guide to California Insects, by Kip Will, J. Gross, D. Rubinoff , J. Powell, 2nd ed., 2020 (Lepidoptera, pp. 347-426)
Butterflies and Moths of North America https://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/species_search
Butterflies of Central and Northern California, a laminated pamphlet (guide to common and notable species) by Jim Brock,, 2023
California Caterpillars: INaturalist Project https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/california-caterpillars
Butterflies & Their Favorite Flowering Plants: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park & Environs, Lynn and Gene Monroe, 2004
Southern California Butterflies http://socalbutterflies.com/index.htm
Moth Photographers Group: https://mothphotographersgroup.msstate.edu/species.php?hodges=7872&state=CA
(Be sure to limit the interface to California. The website is a little clunky, but it’s better set up for moth taxonomy than BugGuide)
Geometer Moths (Geometridae family) in Monterey County: checklist with photos compiled by INat Kueda https://www.inaturalist.org/check_lists/260565-Geometridae-of-Monterey-County--CA--US?page=2
Moths of Western North America by Jerry A. Powell and Paul A. Opler, 2009 (in-depth, technical, some photos)
Glossary of Butterfly (and Moth) Terminology by Art Shapiro: https://butterfly.ucdavis.edu/resources/glossary
Caterpillar Anatomy (simple diagram) and Lepidoptera Basics: https://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/butterfly/activities/printouts/caterpillarprintout.shtml Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Egg --> Larva (the caterpillar) --> Pupa (the chrysalis or cocoon) --> Adult.
INaturalist Project: Lepidoptera (worldwide): https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/lepidoptera
INaturalist Project: Butterflies of the World: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/butterflies-of-the-world
Irene's Plant (Plantae kingdom) observations on INaturailst, worldwide: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&taxon_id=47126&user_id=aparrot1&verifiable=any
Leaf Terminology: Diagrams/Definitions: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Leaf_morphology.svg
Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary, 2nd ed., by James Harris and M. Harris, 2022
Native American Ethnobotany: Traditional Native Plant Uses (medicines, foods, fibers, tools): http://naeb.brit.org/
Wildflowers of California: A Field Guide, California Native Plant Society, 2024 (color photos, 600+ pages)
Calflora (includes species distribution maps in CA) https://www.calflora.org/search.html
Jepson eFlora (CA native and naturalized plants with botanical illustrations) https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/
Plants of Monterey County: an Illustrated Field Key, 2nd edition, Matthews and Mitchell,2015 (2300+ species)
Monterey County Wildflowers (includes wildflowers, shrubs and trees) https://montereywildflowers.com/index/
Monterey County Wildflowers: a Field Guide, Yeager and Mitchell, 2016 (950+ species with photos)
Flora of Fort Ord: Monterey County, California , David Styer, 2019 (includes peak bloom times)
Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, 2nd ed, 2012 (1568 pages, 6.4 lbs)
Flora of North America http://beta.floranorthamerica.org/Main_Page (search by scientific name)
Cal-IPC: Invasive Plants in CA (400+ species, Click on the scientific name/photo https://www.cal-ipc.org/plants/profiles/#
Endangered Species Fact Sheets (85+ species in Monterey County) http://www.elkhornsloughctp.org/factsheet/
Field Guide to Grasses of California, James P. Smith Jr, 2014
Law's Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada, John Muir Laws, California Academy of Sciences, 2007
Geranium Leaf Comparison Chart by INat truthseqr https://www.inaturalist.org/posts/69454-geranium-leaf-comparison-chart#summary
CNPS Rare Plant Inventory: https://rareplants.cnps.org/Home/
CNPS Calscape--7934+ Native CA Plants for Gardens: https://calscape.org
Fort Ord A Love Story, Dorothy E. Denning, 2024 (1,000+ color photos, trail maps)
5-minute video of Fort Ord Flora and Fauna, produced by David Styer: https://fortordcleanup.com/archives/2020/natural-treasures-of-fort-ord-90-amazing-photographs/
Coastal California's Living Legacy: The Monterey Pine Forest, 2nd. ed, Nikki Nedeff, et. al. The Monterey Pine Forest Watch, 2018
Lupine I.D: Terminology/Characteristics by Tom Chester http://tchester.org/plants/analysis/lupinus/identification.html
Thistles (non-native) by INat cwarneke https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/cwarneke/61995-thistles-with-white-in-their-leaves
Field Guide to Manzanitas: California, North America, and Mexico, 2nd edition. M.E. Kauffmann, T. Parker, and M. Vasey, Photographs by Jeff Bisbee. 2021.
UC Oak Tree Species I.D. and Ecology, University of California: https://oaks.cnr.berkeley.edu/oak-tree-species-id-ecology/
Oaks of California by Bruce M. Pavlik, P. Muick, S. Johnson, and M. Popper, 1991
Field Guide to Insects and Diseases of California Oaks by Tedmund J. Swiecki and Elizabeth Bernhardt, USDA, 2006.
Trees of the Sierra Nevada Mountains: https://www.csun.edu/science/sierras/trees/frameset.html
The Gymnosperm Database (enter common or scientific name in search bar): https://www.conifers.org/zz/gymnosperms.php
Conifers of Western North America https://www.conifers.org/topics/W_NA_trees.php by Christopher J. Earle
Tale of Big Tree Hunting In California by Christopher J. Earle https://www.conifers.org/topics/biggest.php
Plants For A Future: Medicinal Plants and Uses: https://pfaf.org/user/MedicinalUses.aspx
Edible, Medicinal Native plants for Gardens (Plants For a Future, home page): https://pfaf.org/User/cmspage.aspx?pageid=305
CalPhotos: 809,764 photos of plants, animals, fungi worldwide https://calphotos.berkeley.edu/
Plant natives! https://www.cnps.org/gardening/choosing-your-plants/native-planting-guides
Field Guide to California Insects, by Kip Will, J. Gross, D. Rubinoff , J. Powell, 2nd ed., 2020
BugGuide: Arthropods: Photos of Insects, Spiders & Their Kin (US & Canada), clickable categories or use search bar (scientific name): https://bugguide.net/node/view/3/bgpage
Lady Beetle Key for North America https://www.discoverlife.org/mp/20q?guide=Ladybug&cl=llp
Beetle Anatomy: simple diagram of external parts: https://animalcorner.org/beetle-anatomy/
Wasp Anatomy (external parts): https://animalcorner.org/wasp-anatomy/
Field Guide to Spiders of California and the Pacific Coast States, RJ Adams and Tim Manolis, 2014
Spiders in Your Neighborhood: A Field Guide, Revised and Expanded Paperback, 2022, Patrick Stadille
Spider Eye Arrangements (for each family) Lynette Elliott: https://bugguide.net/node/view/84423
Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West, Princeton Field Guides, 2009, by Dennis Paulson
Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West by Dennis Paulson, 2009
Odonata Terminology by Dennis Paulson: https://www.pugetsound.edu/puget-sound-museum-natural-history/biodiversity-resources/insects/dragonflies/glossary
Dragonflies (Anisoptera) of California, Kathy Biggs & Sandra von Arb, July 2024. Companion website: http://bigsnest.powweb.com/southwestdragonflies/caphotos/
The Fly Guide--Fly Families https://sites.google.com/view/flyguide/species-guides
BugGuide - Diptera of USA/Canada: Photos of 5 groups in Diptera order: https://bugguide.net/node/view/55/bgpage
Native Bees: Get to Know Native Bees of the Santa Cruz Mountains with Obi Kaufmann. May 6, 2020 https://openspacetrust.org/blog/native-bees/
Bumble Bees of the Western United States, 114 page PDF (7.6 MB), by By Jonathan Koch, James Strange, Paul Williams, a comprehensive, well written resource, with excellent diagrams and photos. https://xerces.org/sites/default/files/2018-05/12-053_01_Western_BB_guide.pdf
Insects that enter homes I.D. help: https://www.orkincanada.ca/pests/ants/harvester-ants/ and other categories of insects: https://www.orkincanada.ca/pests/
BugGuide: Unidentified Webs, Tracks, Signs, Larvae, Parasites, and Other Mysteries: https://bugguide.net/node/view/696662/bgpage
Irene's Arachnids (Arachnida class) worldwide observations on INaturalist: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&taxon_id=47119&user_id=aparrot1&verifiable=any
Beachcombers's Guide to Seashore Life of California, J.D. Sept, Rev. ed. 2009
SEANET Hopkins Marine Station for "Nearshore Plants and Animals of the Monterey Bay" https://seanet.stanford.edu/
Mollusks: MolluscaBase https://www.molluscabase.org/index.php (spelled "mollusk" in the U.S.)
The Living World of Molluscs (marine and terrestrial) https://molluscs.at/index.html
Abalone Identification: https://wildlife.ca.gov/Conservation/Marine/Invertebrates/Abalone/Abalone-ID
Limpets - cap-shaped snails: SEANET Hopkins Marine Station https://seanet.stanford.edu/Limpets
Limpet Characteristics and I.D. SEANET Hopkins Marine Station: https://seanet.stanford.edu/limpet-table
Algaebase: Listing the World’s Algae https://www.algaebase.org/
Field Guide to Seaweeds of the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Bridgette Clarkston, Harbour Publishing, 2015
Pacific Northwest Shell Club http://www.bily.com/pnwsc/web-content/Northwest-Shells.html
Whale barnacles https://scienceline.org/2010/03/how-do-barnacles-attach-to-whales/
Mer Society (Marine Education and Research Society), dedicated to marine conservation through scientific research, education, and marine wildlife rescue. https://www.mersociety.org
Irene's Fungi Including Lichens (Fungi kingdom) worldwide observations on INaturalist: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&taxon_id=47170&user_id=aparrot1&verifiable=any
An iNaturalist Introduction to Mushrooming, 6-minute Utube video by Christian Schwartz (leptonia on INat) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKF_pIY0Zpc
Mushrooms of the Redwood Coast: Comprehensive Guide to the Fungi of Coastal Northern California, Siegel and Schwarz, 2016.
California Mushrooms: The Comprehensive Identification Guide, D. Desjardin, M. Wood, and F. Stevens, 2nd printing 2019.
Fungi of California: https://mykoweb.com/CAF/skey.html and Home page https://www.mykoweb.com/index.html and https://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/ and https://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/keys/index.html
CalPhotos: 809,764 photos of plants, animals, fungi worldwide https://calphotos.berkeley.edu/
A Field Guide to California Lichens, Stephen Sharnoff, 2014.
The Curious Observer's Guide to Slime Mold: of Santa Cruz and Beyond, Carrie Niblett, 2nd ed. 2021.
GALLS (Insect-induced)
Plant Galls of the Western United States: a photographic guide to 536 species of plant galls found west of the Rockies, with 400+ color images and plates, Ronald A. Russo, April 2021. (Available on Amazon)
Gallformers: Identify Galls by name or by host plant https://www.gallformers.org/id
INaturalist Project, Galls of California https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/galls-of-california
California Oak Galls (photo guide), Joyce Gross: https://joycegross.com/galls_ca_oak.php
California Oak Galls Induced by Unknown or Undescribed Species (photo guide), Joyce Gross: https://joycegross.com/galls_ca_oak_undescribed.php
Nancy Asquith Journal: California Oak Galls https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/california-plants-with-mystery-galls/journal/44142-california-oak-galls
Nancy Asquith Journal: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/galls-of-california/journal/44203-where-to-learn-more-about-galls
BugGuide: Identification, Images, & Information for insects and other gall-inducers, (US & Canada) clickable categories or use search bar: https://bugguide.net/node/view/3/bgpage
BugGuide: Unidentified Tracks, Larvae, Webs, Parasites, and Other Mysteries: https://bugguide.net/node/view/696662/bgpage
INaturalist Project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/all-your-galls-are-belong-to-us
PLANTS (Mojave and Sonoran Deserts mostly)
Southern California Plant Communities: http://www.calflora.net/botanicalnames/plantcommunities.html
California Desert Wildflowers, Philip A. Munz, 1975
Anza-Borrego Desert Wildflowers (and more) https://borregowildflowers.org/
Baja California Plant Field Guide, Jon P. Rebman, Norman C. Roberts, 3rd. ed, 2012
Temalpakh: Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants by Lowell John Bean and K. Saubel, Malki Museum Press, 1972
Desert Strawhouse Native Plant Nursery. Specialize in Native Plants to attract Pollinators in the Coachella Valley https://www.desertstrawhouse.com/plant-nursery
Cacti, Agaves, and Yuccas of California and Nevada. Text and photos by Stephen Ingram. Cachuma Press, 2008
Cacti of California, E. Yale Dawson, 1966, 3rd printing, 1975
Plants of Southern California: Regional Floras by Tom Chester http://tchester.org/plants/floras/#abdsp
Native and Introduced Plants of Southern California by Tom Chester http://tchester.org/plants/index.html
Shrubs and Trees of the Southern California Deserts by Jim W. Dole and Betty B. Rose, Foot-loose Press, 1996
San Diego Natural History Museum: San Diego County Plant Atlas: https://www.sdplantatlas.org/
iNaturalist--worldwide, citizen-science Nature website to identify, record, and share observations: https://www.inaturalist.org
Species: https://www.pugetsound.edu/puget-sound-museum-natural-history/biodiversity-resources
Wikispecies--Free species directory covering animals, plants, fungi, and more: https://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
CalPhotos: 809,764 photos of plants, animals, fungi worldwide https://calphotos.berkeley.edu/
Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary, 2nd ed., by James G. Harris and M. W. Harris, 2022.
INat Fredwatson "Central Fort Ord Trail Map (very detailed) http://www.fortord.info/maps.htm
INaturalist's FAQ page (lots of good tips) https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/help#mapsymbols
How to Start and Administer a Project on INat: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/new
Frequently Used Responses to Help Users New to INat: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/responses
Environmental Issues in California's Central Coast Region (links to multiple sites): http://www.cccal.info/
UC California Naturalist Handbook by Greg de Nevers, D. Edelman, A. Merenlender, University of California, 2013
Oregon Flora (enter scientific name) https://oregonflora.org/checklists/dynamicmap.php?interface=key
Jepson eFlora: Phylogenetic Index (Click on family name to go to eFlora treatment for the family) https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/clademap/clademap2.html
Jepson eFlora: Abbreviations and Symbols Used in TJM2: https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/TJM2_abbrev_symbols.html
Jepson eFlora: Filtered Keys (Select a Region in California ) https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/filter_keys.html?
Brett Bell's Science Illustrations (Botanist and Science Illustrator) : https://brettbellstudio.com/ and INat bbell
Lupine I.D. Tips and Links by INat yerbasanta : 1) Reveal and photograph the keel petal (hidden within the wings) to document the hairs (if any) on the upper and lower surface along the entire length. Keel image: https://tchester.org/plants/analysis/lupinus/pix/lupinus_formosus_g4_17_crop_70_label.jpg 2) Guide to documenting lupines in more detail (including calyx, banner spots, etc): https://tchester.org/plants/analysis/lupinus/identification.html#fig_1_caption
Abstract Beauty: a fun/creative INaturalist Project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/abstract-beauty
Irene's Abstract Beauty observations on INaturalist: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&project_id=abstract-beauty&user_id=aparrot1&verifiable=any
Irene's (aparrot1) Profile Page on INaturalist listing Nature Resources (includes online references with links) for Plants, Birds, Fungi, Lepidoptera, Arachnids, Reptiles, Amphibians, Marine Life, Plant Galls, and more: https://www.inaturalist.org/people/3188668