Delimited Site Visit #10 - The Junk Pond

July 18, 2018, Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, ME

I got to the Junk Pond at about 1:50p. The temperature was about 76f with a wind of about 11mph. Still overgrown and quiet. Some dragonflies, COMMON WHITETAILS and TWELVE-SPOTTED DRAGONFLIES. I was also finally able to get pictures of a red dragonfly that I had seen at the pond before. While I haven't taken the time to identify it yet, now that I have pictures I should be able to give it a shot. (Edit--After keying it out with A Field Guide of Dragonflies and Damselflies of Massachusetts, 2nd edition and looking at range data and flight period data from the Maine Damselfly and Dragonfly Survey, I'm leaning towards saying that the red dragonfly is a CHERRY-FACED MEADOWHAWK.

As always the JAPANESE KNOT WOOD is everywhere and growing at what seems a very quick rate. I was particularly interested in the trees as I needed to collect some specimens to press. I was able to find RED and WHITE OAK, WHITE PINE, and WHITE ASH for pressing. The honeysuckle and SENSITIVE FERN continue to go strong.

I was surprised to find a lone female WOOD DUCK. I was expecting to the lone female MALLARD who has been around and had two successful young this season.

There was also the usual EASTERN CHIPMUNK and GREY SQUIRREL.

Overall another quiet summer day at the Junk Pond. I do think I need to come down really early or really late and see how things might be different as the last few times I have been here have been in the middle of the day.

full eBird checklist

Publicado el julio 24, 2018 01:59 TARDE por hallnatec hallnatec


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Rayadoras de Pradera (Género Sympetrum)




Julio 18, 2018 a las 12:59 MAÑANA EDT

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Pato Arcoíris (Aix sponsa)




Julio 18, 2018 a las 12:55 MAÑANA EDT

Fotos / Sonidos




Julio 18, 2018 a las 12:54 MAÑANA EDT


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