Adopted Trees (Sept)

Having been asked to adopt a tree and observe it each month over the next year, I have decided to select two trees which I am already very familiar with. The RED and WHITE PINEs that live in my backyard. They are the only two native trees we have in our yard. We do have about 4-5 NORWEGIAN MAPLEs (which I would like to have removed).

For the longest time after we moved in the RED PINE was sick. The WHITE PINE had grown in such a way to crowd out the RED. We had them both trimmed and the RED has been doing much better. Both trees are home to a family of GREY SQUIRRELS. The WHITE PINE has a family which lives a leave and twig nest, while the RED PINE had a family which moved into a large and old bird house.

Throughout the summer both trees pretty much just chill, acting as host to the numerous birds which visit our feeder. The WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCHs particular like the WHITE PINE and we often see them working the trunk for little buggies.

Common Name Scientific Name Family Needles Bark Cones Habitat
WHITE PINE Pinus strobus Pinaceae 5 cluster, 3-5", bluish-green dark with broad, flat ridges 4-8" smooth scales without prickles throughout Maine in moist situations
RED PINE Pinus resinosa Pinaceae 2 cluster, 4-6", dark green reddish-brown , flat ridges shallow fissures 1.5-2.25" scales without prickles throughout Maine in dry, light sandy soil
Publicado el septiembre 16, 2018 04:36 TARDE por hallnatec hallnatec


Fotos / Sonidos


Pino Blanco Americano (Pinus strobus)




Septiembre 16, 2018 a las 12:07 TARDE EDT

Fotos / Sonidos


Pino Rojo (Pinus resinosa)




Septiembre 16, 2018 a las 12:07 TARDE EDT


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