Contribution of 1,000 obs by Hong

Hong (@doggy0406 ) contributed his 1,000th obs to the project today (June 1st, 2019), and became the first and so far the only member who contributed the obs of 4 digits. In addition, Hong is at the top position of species board in which he logged 73 species, though the latest one is yet to be identified.

Thank Hong very much for the contributions and all the hard work.

Publicado el junio 1, 2019 04:14 TARDE por aru aru


好棒! Awesome work Hong. Thanks for continually sharing your photos.

Publicado por briangooding hace alrededor de 5 años

Hong, @doggy0406
Following your footstep, I contributed 1K to the Proj. today (Jul 18, 2019, Thu) as well. Even though most of obs I logged were only from the neighborhood.

Publicado por aru hace casi 5 años

Thank you for the wonderful Contribution. Appreciate your enthusiasm for our nature.

Publicado por doggy0406 hace casi 5 años

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