First - BioBlitz on Saturday September 28 at Flood Park in Menlo Park - a small, manageable, urban Blitz. Great for introducing people to our favorite productive pastime. Here is a link to the journal for that project. Be there next Saturday for all the fun! ADA accessible, btw, since many pathways in the park are paved, and all are level.

P.S. Possible afternoon hike for iNaturalist addicts to follow.

Second - The President of the American Birding Association, Jeffrey Gordon, will be speaking in Belmont on Friday October 11. This event is free to the public (donations accepted), ADA accessible.

Third - Sunday October 13 - Green Birding with the Big EASY Ride, and Stable Birding with the Big SIT! at Pescadero Marsh. I'll post again about this before the event.

Publicado el septiembre 21, 2019 06:56 TARDE por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon


For the hike after Flood Park possibility, the southeastern boundary trail at Bedwell Bayfront Park is sadly lacking in iNaturalist data. Eminently fixable, my friends.

Publicado por gyrrlfalcon hace casi 5 años

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