累積超過 100 個物種觀察記錄的成員:Tyus Ma

Tyus Ma (@tyus) 於九月24日加入了 iNaturalist 之後的短短一周內,就在今天(十月一日)中午前累計上傳了超過 100 (101)個蜻蛉目物種的觀察記錄。Tyus 觀察記錄十分精彩,令人目不暇給,不僅物種多樣性高,攝影更具有專業水準;若只看他的記錄會令人懷疑圖鑑上那些標記「稀有」的物種是否描述有誤。

Tyus Ma 也成為了繼 fangshuohu 之後,第二位累積超過 100 個蜻蛉目物種觀察記錄的成員。而這兩位殷勤的蜻蛉目觀察者也在上周接下了本專案 curator 的任務,相信由於他們的加入,我們的專案水準能大幅提升。

恭喜 Tyus Ma 達到累積 100 個物種的里程碑,也謝謝你對專案的付出。

Tyus Ma, the member with obs of more than 100 species

Shortly after registering as an iNaturalist user on September 24th, Tyus Ma (@tyus) began sharing remarkable observations showcasing the rich diversity of dragonflies and damselflies in Taiwan, accompanied by high-quality photographs. Within a week, he had amassed an impressive collection of 101 species of Odonata by noon on the first day of October. This achievement made Tyus the second member of the project to reach over 100 species, following in the footsteps of fangshuohu. Both Tyus Ma and fangshuohu have since been appointed as curators of the project. With their expertise added to the project's leadership, we anticipate promising developments ahead.

Congratulations to Tyus Ma for reaching the milestone of 100 species, and heartfelt gratitude for your valuable contributions.

粒積超過 100 个物種觀察記錄的成員:Tyus Ma

Tyus Ma (@tyus) 宁九月24日加入了 iNaturalist 之後的短短一禮拜以內,就宁今仔(十月一日)中晝前,累計上傳了超過 100 (101)个蜻蛉目物種的觀察記錄。Tyus 的觀察記錄非常精彩,予人目不暇給,不只物種多樣性高,攝影更加有專業水準;若干焦看伊的記錄會使人懷疑圖鑑裡遐的標記著「稀罕」的物種敢有毋著。

Tyus Ma 嘛是宁咧 fangshuohu 之後,第二个粒積超過 100 个蜻蛉目物種觀察記錄的成員。這兩位骨力的蜻蛉目觀察者嘛宁咧頂禮拜接任本專案 curator 的任務,相信有in(人因)的加入,咱專案的水準會有顯著的提升。

恭喜 Tyus Ma 達到累積 100 个物種的坎站,嘛感謝伊對咱專案的付出。

Publicado el octubre 1, 2019 08:54 MAÑANA por aru aru



Publicado por linscott hace casi 5 años

The label "rare" on the guide book sometimes not really rare. It depend on if you known that species very well. If you know how to find them, sometimes, they can be common.

Publicado por fangshuohu hace casi 5 años

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