Berry Springs Preserve Herps of Texas report, 25Feb2021

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there was no group outing to Berry Springs Park and Preserve again this month. However, two people wearing face masks checked on the amphibians while staying at least six feet apart from each other at all times.
Two amphibian species were observed, Rio Grande Leopard Frog (CI = 2 max; my recordings are only CI = 1) and American Bullfrog (CI = 0). Rio Grande Leopard Frogs were heard at the middle slough springhead, the slough by the playground, and the ditch in the pecan orchard. The American Bullfrog was seen in the slough by the playground.
Monitoring took place a week after the historic Winter Storm Uri which included more than a week of temperatures that never rose above freezing, two nights in the single digits, and sleet, freezing rain, snow, freezing fog, and more freezing rain.
The puddle at the middle slough springhead was about the same size as last month, the slough by the playground had water in it, and the water level in the main ponds was average. We heard a very close pack of coyotes calling at the end of the monitoring period from the other side of Berry Creek.
The monitoring period was 18:25 - 19:40.
Participants were Kathy and Amy.
Environmental conditions at the middle slough springhead at sunset:
Air temperature = 50.4 deg F
Water temperature = 60 deg F
Sky = currently raining (fog/mist/drizzle)
Water level = below average at springhead, average at main ponds
Relative humidity = 83 %

Publicado el febrero 27, 2021 02:30 MAÑANA por k_mccormack k_mccormack


Fotos / Sonidos


Rana Toro (Lithobates catesbeianus)




Febrero 25, 2021 a las 07:08 TARDE CST


Observed during monthly amphibian monitoring.

Fotos / Sonidos


Rana Leopardo (Lithobates berlandieri)




Febrero 25, 2021 a las 07:04 TARDE CST


Observed during monthly amphibian monitoring. The -190427 sound recording file (01:15 long) has three calls at 00:20, 00:45, and 01:11. The -191438 sound recording file (01:38 long) has five calls at 00:27, 00:34, 01:12, 01:18, and 01:35.


My observations can be found here: American Bullfrog [ ] and Rio Grande Leopard Frog [ ] CI =2 It is difficult to hear these calls clearly - there were 3 frogs calling back and forth with some minor overlap.

During one attempt to record the RGLF calls a pack of coyotes began some incredible barking and what seemed to be fighting in or near the park. The tape records Coyotes/RGLF/Coyotes. The recording is not the best, but is found here:

Publicado por alflinn329 hace más de 3 años

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