Winter pond record 5

These are just extra notes on what species/hybrids I caught yesterday and how many.

I caught most of the fish using worm though I did catch one fish off a fake pink maggots alone. This time they where more aggressive and hanging closer to shore suggesting to me that they are getting ready for spring. In the first spot I caught 3 fish. The first spot was relatively shallow and in between two dread trees sticking from the water and a weedy shoreline. I did notice that some of the fish seemed to be eating a floating piece of bread that somehow got in the water. I cast in the area where I saw the fish and caught some. The second spot is where I caught most of my fish. The second spot a place that had a lot of cover because of the branches that have fallen into the water from the trees above the waterline. I believe the second spot is deeper as well. While I was leaving the second spot I noticed the fish eating and jumping at something near the shoreline. It was sort in a spot I passed that looks out onto the middle of the pond. I walked over and the fish fled. I realized the thing on the shoreline was some kind of baguette or some type of subway style bread. I cast in behind a few feet behind the bread, where there was some structure, and caught the last fish of the day.

I caught 3 bluegill.

I caught 8 greengill. They where more aggressive than last which is normal for this pond.

I caught 1 green sunfish. I normally catch this species more the spot 1 area. Though suppose I shouldn't be surprised I caught of these in spot 2, due to all of the branches and cover.

Note: Unlike some of my previous journals I actually took pictures of each individual fish mostly because I wanted to some more greengill reference photos for my art. Also this might be the last winter pond record since spring is almost here.

Publicado el marzo 8, 2021 02:47 TARDE por jayce-the-creature-creator jayce-the-creature-creator


Fotos / Sonidos


Mojarra Oreja Azul (Lepomis macrochirus)


Marzo 2021


This is a small bluegill I caught on worm from the pond.

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Mojarra Oreja Azul (Lepomis macrochirus)


Marzo 2021


A small bluegill I caught on worm.

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Marzo 2021


This is a small greengill I caught using pink fake maggots.

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Marzo 2021


A small greengill I caught on worm.

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Mojarra Oreja Azul (Lepomis macrochirus)


Marzo 2021


The last bluegill I caught today. It was caught using worm.

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Marzo 2021


A small colorful greengill I caught using worm.

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Perca Sol Goliat (Lepomis cyanellus)


Marzo 2021


This is the only green sunfish I caught from the pond today. I caught it using worm.

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Marzo 2021


A small greengill I caught from the pond using worm.

Fotos / Sonidos


Marzo 2021


A small greengill I caught from the pond on worm.

Fotos / Sonidos


Marzo 2021


A colorful greengill that jumped out of my hands. It was okay and swam away fine. I caught it off of worm.

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Marzo 2021


A somewhat chunky small greengill I caught using worm.

Fotos / Sonidos


Marzo 2021


The final greengill and fish I caught today. I caught it using worm.

Sidenote: I fished the spot I caught this fish because I noticed the fish were eating something on surface that close to shore. As I walked closer the fish fled outwards and I was able to see what they were eating. It was some kind of baguette or other kind of long bread.


I know the publish date is correct on this one but I will leave the date again here just in case something happens. 3-8-2021

Publicado por jayce-the-creatur... hace más de 3 años

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