June Eco Blitz Challenge- White-winged Dove and Sagauro Cacti

Have you seen any blooming Saguaros yet? Or white-winged doves? This month’s Eco-Blitz challenges are white-winged dove and blooming Saguaro. Join us to learn more about the Maricopa County Parks Eco-BLITZ. We will be learning all about the relationship between these species.

Did you know that the white-winged doves are Saguaro specialists? Their breeding season is synchronized with the reproductive cycle of the Saguaro. These birds rely on Saguaros almost solely for nutrients and water during the breeding season. The White-winged Dove is a migratory species and also a game species, making it rather unique.

Saguaro Cacti are a keystone species in the Sonoran Desert and provide nesting, shelter, and/or food from many birds, insects, and bat species. They are the largest and tallest cactus in the U.S. with their arms stretching skyward as if they are saying “light shine upon me”. Although their opulent white flowers bloom at night, many will remain open in the morning. In 1931 they were designated as Arizona’s state flower.


Lets try to get these species documented together at each park! Challenge On!

Publicado el junio 1, 2021 03:20 TARDE por juanitajn5 juanitajn5


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