Here did the year go?

I knew I hadn't been doing much with iNat for a while, but I was surprised to see it had been almost a year since I put up any observations. I think one of the reasons for this is that now that there are so many more people participating than was the case in 2011 when I started here and so the feeling of a small community that I liked seems to have faded away.
I still like to take pictures of nature and find out new things about it so I plan to crank things up and see where it takes me.

Publicado el marzo 1, 2016 05:56 MAÑANA por curiousgeorge61 curiousgeorge61


Welcome back! It's definitely bigger and busier around here, but a lot of the same folks are still around. One of the things we did to help deal with the information overload was to add a setting to that you can uncheck to stop getting notifications about confirming identifications.

Publicado por kueda hace más de 8 años

I second the welcome back! I'm always grateful for your input.

Publicado por kerrywininger hace más de 8 años

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