First BioBlitz

On June 3-4, I participated in my first BioBlitz. It was so much fun, and I am so grateful to everyone who shared their knowledge with me, whether in person or by helping me identify some of the many lifeforms I observed. I'm pretty good at finding things and taking photos, but I'm not as good at identifying what I've found. I've already got one field guide added to my wish list (thank you, Sigrun), and I'll be adding more. I also learned (and am still learning) what plant parts to photograph to help with identification at home.

It was fun to have an excuse to explore new areas, and I definitely wish that I had more time to explore a couple of the places I visited.

The best part of the blitz was getting to meet some of you, including @kueda and @mickley.

I'm looking forward to the next BioBlitz, whenever and wherever that may be. :)


Publicado el junio 5, 2016 07:22 TARDE por kellyfuerstenberg kellyfuerstenberg


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Junio 4, 2016 a las 07:24 MAÑANA ADT

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Falso Índigo (Amorpha fruticosa)


Junio 4, 2016 a las 07:55 MAÑANA ADT

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Junio 4, 2016 a las 08:05 MAÑANA ADT


This plant was huge.

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Junio 4, 2016 a las 12:16 TARDE ADT

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Chinche Gigante de Cabeza Espinosa (Acanthocephala terminalis)


Junio 4, 2016 a las 12:18 TARDE ADT

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Junio 4, 2016 a las 12:28 TARDE ADT


@berkshirenaturalist is keeping track of all the ones in the area. Also check out the facebook group he made:

He mentioned there's one next weekend in Rhode Island, but I might be a bit blitzed out.

This too (by @kueda):

Publicado por mickley hace alrededor de 8 años Here's a link to the one in Rhode Island.

Publicado por berkshirenaturalist hace alrededor de 8 años

Great meeting you too, Kelly, and thanks so much for finding us at dinner! Always good to put faces to usernames.

Publicado por kueda hace alrededor de 8 años

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