The path, built by forest management of gravel and wood, is 2,7 km long. It crosses different habitats - deciduous forest (oaks, hornbeams, maple trees, ashes), alder forest, riparian forest (at small stream), spruce forest - most of the places are wet or very wet. There's a lot of dead, rotten wood - logs, stumps, tree plates, branches etc. Good place for mosses and liverworts, from spectacular neckeras on old oaks to small epixylic liverworts. I'm sure I missed some species, so if you visit the place - keep your eyes open. ;)
Trichocolea tomentella, Climacium dendroides and Fissidens taxifolius growing together in shallow ditch along tourist path, spruce forest, river and wet places around
Trichocolea tomentella, Climacium dendroides and Fissidens taxifolius growing together in shallow ditch along tourist path, spruce forest, river and wet places around
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