Philoliche (Ommatiosteres) marriotti Usher, 1967 - Identification

A medium-large, rather brownish and black species. It has a black abdomen and narrow, whitish-grey hind margins with yellow hair on all tergites. Female frons with mostly black hairs. Legs strongly bicoloured, with dark brown femora and contrasting yellow-brown with dark hairs. Abdomen dark and orange basally. The first tergite is almost entirely yellow-brown and the second has more extensive lateral patches. Male tergites 1-3 orange-brown laterally, leaving a broad median blackish stripe. Wings yellowish along costa and extreme base of wing, remainder faintly smokey with apical area of wing almost clear; cell r5 closed before wing margin, vein R5 with an angle, vein R4 with lon appendix.

This species can be confused with Philoliche caffra.

Recorded from the Drakensberg mountains.

Original description by Usher (with illustration of the female type):

Publicado el agosto 7, 2023 10:23 MAÑANA por traianbertau traianbertau


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