Tabanus minuscularius Austen, 1912 - Identification

Length 8 to 10 mm.
Small, dusky species, with conspicuously grey-striped thorax, and dorsum of abdomen marked with an ill-defined yellowish-grey, median, longitudinal stripe, and, midway between this and lateral margin on each side, a sharply defined and sometimes broader stripe of lighter grey, more or less distinctly composed of a series of elongate spots. Wings clear with yellowish veins and stigma.

Original description by Austen:

Photos in Smit 2019:

Known from Mozambique, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, South Africa (the most common Tabanus collected in the KNP)

Publicado el agosto 7, 2023 06:23 TARDE por traianbertau traianbertau


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