Rhigioglossa (Rhigioglossa) nitens Chainey, 1987 - Identification

Length 8 mm. Female head with frons shiny black. Eyes bare, widely separated in the male; in life rather purple-reddish than green. Proboscis quite long. Antennae black. Thorax little shining, black-brown with light brown hairs. Femora dark brown; tibiae and tarsi black. Wings light smoky-brown, slightly darker along veins and in costal cell. Squamae pale yellow. Abdomen black with tergites 1-3 orange laterally and all tergites with yellow-brown bands on hind borders, reminder covered with long black hairs.

Detailled description in Chainey 1987, with firgures of frons, antenna and palps

There is also a photo in MAD vol. 2, page 894.

Apparently a Cape endemic (fynbos & succulent karoo).

Why this species is called "silvery" on iNat is beyond me :)

Publicado el agosto 9, 2023 11:52 MAÑANA por traianbertau traianbertau


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