Oaks, Lupines, other wildflowers: photos needed for ID

This list is courtesy of iNat member yerbasanta, Thank you.
Quick tips for what to document for plant ID.

OAKS (and trees generally):
1) Please photograph the underside of leaves! This helps a surprising amount for identifying oaks in particular (as well as many other plant species)
2) Acorns and acorn caps attached to the plant
3) Trunk texture
4) Overall habit: Branching pattern, height, canopy spread

1) Reveal and photograph the keel petal (hidden within the wings) to document the hairs (if any) on the upper and lower surface along the entire length.
Keel image: https://tchester.org/plants/analysis/lupinus/pix/lupinus_formosus_g4_17_crop_70_label.jpg
2) Guide to documenting lupines in more detail (including calyx, banner spots, etc): https://tchester.org/plants/analysis/lupinus/identification.html#fig_1_caption

1 Area beneath flowers (involucre/hypanthium/calyx): this is surprisingly helpful, especially for ROSACEAE, ASTERACEAE, GROSSULARIACEAE, PAPAVERACEAE etc.etc
2 Basal and stem leaves
3 Close-up of stamens, carpels, petals

Publicado el agosto 28, 2023 03:18 TARDE por chauncey chauncey


Thank you, Chauncey. This is really helpful, especially with lupins.

Publicado por jbradley52 hace 10 meses

Have you tried using the Jepson eflora Keybase keys by region?
Their keys seem to be a bit different than others I've seen but it is an interesting way to look for keying characteristics. And, a list of possible species shows up that you can click to look at for examples.


Publicado por chauncey hace 10 meses

No. I'll check it out. Thank you Chauncey!

Publicado por jbradley52 hace 10 meses

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