An iNat meet-up: an outing and nature walk in San Diego North County in early November 2023 ?

I am currently planning to have our annual small joint iNat meet-up and nature outing take place in the San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve in Cardiff again, same as it did last year. Last year's event took place on September 18th 2022.

The event this year, 2023, will take place on a Sunday (either Sunday November 5th or Sunday November 12th), whichever works better for people.
The parking lot and nature center for the San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve is at: 2710 Manchester Avenue, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 92007.

The Reserve opens at 9 am, so that is when the nature walk will start, and we will meet up in the parking lot close to the nature center. The walk will last about 2 hours probably. There are a lot of different trails in the reserve, so people can extent their time there if they wish to, either by coming to the area earlier or by spending more time there after our meet-up is finished.

Please tell me what you think, and whether you think you can come, and also tell me which Sunday would be better for you.


Publicado el octubre 6, 2023 11:07 TARDE por susanhewitt susanhewitt


@juliabohemian may be interested.

Publicado por susanhewitt hace 7 meses

@u_phantasticus -- Elena may be interested
@arboretum_amy -- Amy and her husband Joe came last year
@anewmark -- Andrew

Last year Vasily Reinkymov suggested that I might ask:


And James (@silversea_starsong) suggested I might ask:

Publicado por susanhewitt hace 7 meses

Hi Susan, sorry for not responding sooner. I won't be able to make it this year, but I wish you happy iNatting!

Publicado por arboretum_amy hace 7 meses

Hi Susan, I don't think I will be able to make it this time around. I appreciate being included.

Publicado por juliabohemian hace 7 meses

Hi Susan, I'm still abroad so I can't make it but thanks for including me! I should be back in CA in 2024

Publicado por jmillsand hace 7 meses

Thanks folks for letting me know.

Publicado por susanhewitt hace 7 meses

So apparently no group outing this visit.

Publicado por susanhewitt hace 7 meses

I'm sorry. I'm so busy between work and my dissertation that I am not even doing as many individual outings.

Publicado por juliabohemian hace 7 meses

Good luck with the dissertation @juliabohemian!

Publicado por jmillsand hace 7 meses

Thank you @jmillsand

Publicado por juliabohemian hace 7 meses

Yes, a dissertation is a lot of work but it is very important and valuable. :)

Publicado por susanhewitt hace 7 meses

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