Year of the Butterfly: A butterfly big year in western Canada

An article about my 2023 butterfly big year, available in the Biological Survey of Canada winter 2023 newsletter.

Publicado el enero 12, 2024 08:01 MAÑANA por tyler_nelz tyler_nelz


Enjoyed your writeup on your butterfly big year. Regarding Colias identification, you are welcome to view and download reference images from my flickr Colias album:
Regarding your comment about "unsettled taxonomic consensus" for Speyeria cybele and S. leto, I don't know or care if there is such a thing as a consensus on this topic but please note that common sense, traditional taxonomic methods and gene sequence data all support the taxonomic hypothesis that Speyeria leto and cybele are different species.
Thanks for sharing your butterfly adventures ----

Norbert Kondla, Calgary, Alberta

Publicado por norbertkondla hace 6 meses

Thanks, Norbert. I guess I did get more than 90 species after all!

Publicado por tyler_nelz hace 6 meses

Read your article today and it has me all keen for another year of butterflying. There were so many more you could have found over in the Princeton area!!! Like Steve Ansell maybe when your daughter is older you can have another Big Year and have her help!! Hope to see you in this area and if you come over please contact me or Shirley as we will give you some local information!

Publicado por selwell hace 6 meses

You two have seen so many around Princeton - I was shamelessly 'twitching' your Coral Hairstreak and Hoffmann's records the day I was in the area! I'll get in touch later this year (if I have an opportunity to get out, what with the baby!)

Publicado por tyler_nelz hace 6 meses

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