Archivos de diario de noviembre 2020

06 de noviembre de 2020

Further publication of the CRG Master Lists

We are super pleased to have published our next lot of data from the Caterpillar Rearing Group (CRG)! This is our third publication.

The paper is here:
An overview of Lepidoptera-host-parasitoid associations for southern Africa, including an illustrated report on 2 370 African Lepidoptera-host and 119 parasitoid-Lepidoptera associations
by @hermann_staude @karoopixie @silviakirkman @rjpretor Rolf Oberprieler @simonvannoort Allison Sharp, Ian Sharp, Julio Balona, @suncana @magrietb @andrewmorton @magdastlucia Steve Collins, @qgrobler @daveedge Mark Williams and Pasi Sihvonen.

Another 2,370 rearing records added since our last publication! An astonishing achievement :-) Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to this rearing effort and helping to push back the frontiers of knowledge.

We have also published the illustrated Master Lists, and I have updated this project's about section with the new links to each group of lepis. These are an invaluable resource for caterpillar (and moth) identification. They also show us what the little chaps eat, which helps rearers find food-plants for species not reared before.

(All the articles are available for free download on the Metamorphosis site. They are also available on ResearchGate.)

A special mention to @suncana who has come out of nowhere to become a rearing phenomenon to rival Hermann and the Sharps! She has won Lepsoc's Ivan Bampton Memorial Teapot for significant contributions to Lepidoptera lifecycle studies for 2020.

We encourage anyone who's interested to please rear caterpillars to adulthood, and submit the records to the CRG.

Publicado el noviembre 6, 2020 08:20 MAÑANA por karoopixie karoopixie | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario