Archivos de diario de febrero 2024

28 de febrero de 2024

Project FAQ:

Quick FAQ:

Question 3: I have an observation of a species with at least limited data, but I'm not sure if nothing has been research about it?

That's ok! As long as the species has little to no data it is fine. A good scale for a species can only be created with a large data pool!

Question 2: How do I know what species to add?

After checking various guides, websites, and discussing with other trackers about the species and you still can't find any data/measurements on it then you can probably assume that's the case. If not it almost surely at least has a small data pool of measurements.

Question 3: I don't know how to find animals to add to the projects. What ones should I look out for?

As mentioned in the answer of question two you can get a good idea of what animals don't have much research on their tracks. Check some of the common species in your area! Especially reptiles and amphibians. It very unlikely that you won't find anything, but if it so happens that you do take a look through the other observations in the project. In the near future I hope to keep the project updated w/ species specifically to look out for!

Publicado el febrero 28, 2024 11:27 TARDE por cs16-levi cs16-levi
