Atención: Algunas o todas las identificaciones afectadas por esta división puede haber sido reemplazada por identificaciones de Bubulcus. Esto ocurre cuando no podemos asignar automáticamente una identificación a uno de los taxa de salida. Revisar identificaciones de Bubulcus ibis 5017

Taxonomic Split 132987 (Guardado el 13/12/2023)


Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus is split from Western Cattle (formerly Cattle) Egret B. ibis (Clements 2007:20)
The Eastern Cattle Egret of Asia and Australasia looks very different in breeding plumage from Western Cattle Egret of Europe, Asia, and the Western Hemisphere, but when not breeding, proportional differences are key to their identification.

eBird/Clements Checklist v2023 (Referencia)
Añadido por donalddavesne el octubre 29, 2023 08:36 TARDE | Comprometido por loarie el 13 de diciembre de 2023
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@rjq @birdwhisperer
We can't validate this one without staff, but I was thinking to start by validating the switch from ssp. coromandus to the new species.
Do you agree with that?

Publicado por donalddavesne hace 11 meses

@donalddavesne Usually, I just leave these to staff, regardless of what we could do to help. I'll collect a list of changes that would need such intervention.

Publicado por birdwhisperer hace 11 meses

Atlases etc look good to me. I think we should not raise coromandus to species level yet, as this would lead to confusion until the split is completed

Publicado por rjq hace 11 meses

OK I won't commit anything then ;)

Publicado por donalddavesne hace 11 meses

just started committing records through the back end - might take a while

Publicado por loarie hace 9 meses

We’ll need to change the common name of Bubulcus ibis, too. Currently still as “Cattle Egret” but it should be “Western Cattle Egret”

Publicado por henicorhina hace 9 meses

ok this finished processing - does anything look weird - are there any of those issues with the community ID or identification categories not updating?

Publicado por loarie hace 9 meses

Looks good based on the atlases I made. There is one Eastern IDed in Oman, which is not outlandish.

Publicado por donalddavesne hace 9 meses

Yeah, looks good. The ones from the northwestern Hawaiian islands will need to be identified individually. Most should be ibis, but there are a handful of record of coromandus from out there

Publicado por henicorhina hace 9 meses

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