List of mimicry between pleasing fungus beetles (Erotylidae) and other kind of beetles/animals.
This journal post will be updated with beetle species showing signs of mimicry with (or by?) erotylid fungus beetle. I was going to make a project for that, but I think a journal post where I can list them and put a side-by-side image of each example will be better.
The type of mimicry erotylids show is the one called Müllerian, where both species share the same warning signs (aposematic) and they share genuine anti-predation mechanisms (in this case, not being palatable for birds, lizards, etc).
However there are very few studies regarding these defense mechanisms for all the species, so maybe some of them are just showing the warning signs, which would configure a Batesian type of mimicry.
Feel free to point out any mimicry that isn't on the list yet and to discuss them. The images shown here are taken from observations in iNat and sometimes from other sources. If you found your image here and you don't want it to be shown, just message me so I can replace it.
Oligocorynus zebraOligocorynus jansoniStenochiinae sp.
Distribution: Central America
Erotylus histrioPoecilopeplus coralliferMelanophryniscus admirabilis
Distribution: Southeast/South Brazil
Remarks: Not only these 2 beetles share the same pattern of alert for predators, but also this nearly extinct small frog. Its underside colors also follow this pattern and it is known that, when threatened, the frog flips belly up (its upper side colors are green-ish).
Some species from Erotylus histrio group (E. histrionicus, E. elegans, E. chevrolati, E. aegrotus, E. clarosignatus, E. permutatus).
Two species from Poecilopeplus genus (P. corallifer and P. batesi)
Some frogs from Melanophryniscus genus (notably this one from Rio Grande do Sul state, but other species seem to have a similar defense mechanim).
Iphiclus trifasciatusPoecilesthus geniculatus
Distribution: South/Southeast Brazil
Remarks: Many other species of Poecilesthus can be added to this comparison.
Erotylus sp.Eugenysa colossa
Distribution: Peru
Remarks: There's at least 3 or 4 described species of Erotylus that could be tortoise beetles mimics.
Platyphora olalaErotylus sp.
Distribution: Peru
Remarks: There's several described species of Erotylus with variations of this pattern of 4-5 red/yellow bands.
Aegithus quadrinotatusSeladia augustiniana
Distribution: Central America
Remarks: -
Megischyrus brasiliensisPoecilesthus sp.Cymathotes sp.
Distribution: S/SE Brazil
Remarks: I can attest the tenebrionid of this case excreted a bad smell when handling
Iphiclus (Saccomorphus) bilineatusPoecilaspidella vittifera
Distribution: Uruguay, South of South America
Remarks: -
...More to be added soon...
Some literature:
01 - The distribution and evolution of exocrine compoundglands in Erotylinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Erotylidae 2013