Archivos de diario de julio 2021

20 de julio de 2021

Pretention ahead! Ahoy! There is no objective world that we view from an abstract, unbiased position of observer!

This is a post about a philosophical position I have, that might put me at variance with various other people in the naturalist communities.

I don't like editing my photos. For one thing, I am lazy, and editing photos takes a lot of time and clutter.

But I also have a philosophical reason for that. Sometimes I post pictures that are off-center, badly focused, in bad lights and angles...and I do all of that because I am recording not just an organism floating in an abstract space, I am recording my own experiences. My own interaction with the world is part of the story. For example, in this observation of an osprey, it was gliding overhead while I was walking and I barely got my camera out and zoomed. For some animals, I think this is especially important. My photos of Swallows often have them flitting around in a blurry mess near the edge of the picture, and that is a pretty good picture of how we encounter swallows.

Which I know for someone who is just encountering the picture out of context, it might not be clear why I post some pictures. Sometimes I've seen an animal a dozen times, but couldn't get a picture, so I take a picture, any blurry picture, to remind myself I did see it, and that it was difficult to catch it. Out of context, sometimes this looks like a blurry, irrelevant mess, but for me, each picture is part of a story.

To me, observing is a process, a record of my own interest, knowledge, technology, endurance...everything, a much as it is a record of "the world".

Publicado el julio 20, 2021 08:34 MAÑANA por mnharris mnharris | 1 observación | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

23 de julio de 2021

Just linking this for reference

I think there are probably like three people who will stumble across this journal, at some point, but if anyone is interested, I have a YouTube playlist showing the different places I have gone in the area.

This puts some context into when and where I took many of my observations.

Publicado el julio 23, 2021 09:55 TARDE por mnharris mnharris | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de julio de 2021

A kind of boring July.

...I thought I submitted this, I might have lost it?

Anyway, July has been a pretty boring month, observation wise. Not a lot of trips very far, at least not ones with a lot of observing. It has been really hot, and it has sapped my energy.

I am hoping to get more interesting things done in August.

Its also ironic that all through the dreary long Decembers here, I was waiting for these long hours of daylight. But now that they are here...well, I am too tired to do anything.

But even though most of my observing has been in a neighborhood park, I still feel I am learning a thing or two. Mostly about bees.

Publicado el julio 27, 2021 08:18 MAÑANA por mnharris mnharris | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario