Curation Call for 2021 Data Pull


Texas Nature Trackers Biologist Craig Hensley has begun curating observations for this project. if you are a Curator/Manager for this project, you are encouraged to spend time curating over the next few months. Species of special interest to begin focusing on include Texas milkweed (A. texana), Emory milkweed (A. emoryi), slim milkweed (A. linearis), velvet-leaf milkweed (A. tomentosa), wheel milkweed (A. uncialis), Engelmann's milkweed (A. engelmannii), and slimleaf milkweed (A. stenophylla). Once these are curated, we can turn our attention to other species -- that said, any curation will be helpful.

Publicado el julio 6, 2020 08:15 TARDE por craighensley craighensley


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