My birthday was today and I celebrated by...

Today I went to the Salem, Oregon area to view wildlife in the Minto-Brown park, as well as on the West side of the Willamette. I had to leave early, and I was excited to go, so I barely slept. I then walked...more than 10 miles, and exhausted three batteries while taking 328 photos--- (which won't equal 328 observations, but will probably equal 200).

My ankle really hurts and I need to sleep.

Oh, another thing, if you spend a day sleep-deprived and trying to identify camouflaged spiders, you might end up with everything looking like a spider!

Publicado el mayo 29, 2021 05:59 MAÑANA por mnharris mnharris


Happy birthday! Sounds like a great way to celebrate.

Publicado por jbecky hace más de 3 años

Happy birthday! I hope you now have a good day recovering from your celebration!

Publicado por sedgequeen hace más de 3 años

Happy Birthday :)

Publicado por ellement hace más de 3 años

Thank you, it was fun. I think I am going to go for quality and not quantity in upcoming trips---216 observations was too much for one day.

Publicado por mnharris hace más de 3 años

I have to admit, when the posting takes longer than the tip, perhaps I overdid it a little. But it's all fun!

Publicado por sedgequeen hace más de 3 años

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