Calling all Utah spider observers!

The Utah Spider BioBlitz starts August 1st, and we need your help looking for spiders! We're aiming to boost spider biodiversity records in the state and share the UT spider love virtually, all in celebration of Antelope Island State Park's annual Spider Fest. Any observations you make of spiders August 1-7th in Utah will automatically count towards the 2022 Spider BioBlitz. Last year's BioBlitz identified over 50 species, including some first records on iNaturalist in UT...what will you find this year? We're excited to find out!

-The Natural History Museum of Utah Citizen Science team

@tigerbb @maticus @hmcentire @wecho @kmosbruger @tobiashays @cody49 @brynnastle @tiffgibson @yulianaspiderz @bjnicholls @chad_w @alange42 @jachwest @nicole1158 @littlenutmeg @aroe @dallen-webster @sarah1990 @zookanthos @lbdennis @b_dennis @thecrazycolt1 @sabrina33 @zeg02 @ethangallup @amandaaamodt @andrew929 @trisha47 @chandler13 @bioinformatic @nattlesbtw @natureissupercool @jessica1275 @ruth187 @rileycat @wasatch_hunter @camsha315 @alexanimalphotos @cbills @connie43 @lcthompson @stefmonkey @once_casadastraphobic_bird @tsirtalis @marysmilodon @jill_dehaan @hannawacker @krechols13 @dprasad @jacklasley @chrisjensen1 @thecrazycolt1 @kcrstutz @madsess @finnegan-thenaturalist @raised_by_furbies @hypersonicgx @thesplash @amandabarth82 @danielmenlove @jennifermenlove @lora_eschtruth @aprilsainolson @kileymorgan @bmenlove @alysonwilkins @katrinaderieg @msalfer15 @alissabethrubin @somewhereinutah @elleneiriksson

Publicado el julio 30, 2022 03:27 MAÑANA por nhmucitsci nhmucitsci


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