Taxonomic Swap 82526 (Guardado el 11/09/2020)

swapped in RD

Reptile Database: 21 December 2019 (Referencia) | Sept 2020 RD update
Añadido por loarie el septiembre 11, 2020 08:02 TARDE | Comprometido por loarie el 11 de septiembre de 2020
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Dear @loarie, I don't know on what basis the current databases are not considering subsp. madagascariensis, but the global phylogeography by Hekkala et al. 2010 ( ) showed a good partitioning of the whole Madagascarian subpopulations, even better than a lot of the otehr gegraphical subspecies of the continent...
Furthermore, not assigning the Madagascarian crocodyles to any subspecies is not useful and keeping the subspecies madagascariensis don't bother anyone.

Publicado por abounabat hace casi 4 años

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