Archivos de diario de diciembre 2020

01 de diciembre de 2020

39. Computer Vision Nearby Injection, het toevoegen van bekende Top10 soorten uit de omgeving

By Kueda
Let op de Nearby Injection en recnete forum posts

Blijkbaar wordt de TOP100 gebruikt

I gave a talk on data quality on iNaturalist at the Southern California Botanists 2019 symposium recently, and I figured some of the slides and findings I summarized would be interesting to everyone, so here goes.

Accuracy of Identifications in Research Grade Observations

Some of you may recall we performed a relatively ad hoc experiment to determine how accurate identifications really are. Scott posted some of his findings from that experiment in blog posts (here and here), but I wanted to summarize them for myself, with a focus on how accurate “RG” observations are, which here I’m defining as obs that had a species-level Community Taxon when the expert encountered them. Here’s my slide summarizing the experiment:

And yes, does contain my code and data in case anyone wants to check my work or ask more questions of this dataset.

So again, looking only at expert identifications where the observation already had a community opinion about a species-level taxon, here’s how accuracy breaks down for everything and by iconic taxon:

Some definitions
  • accurate: identifications where the taxon the expert suggested was the same as the existing observation taxon or a descendant of it
  • inaccurate: identifications where the taxon the expert suggested was not same as the existing observation taxon and was also not a descendant or ancestor of that taxon
  • too specific: identifications where the taxon the expert suggested was an ancestor of the observation taxon
  • imprecise: identifications where the taxon the expert suggested was a descendant of the observation taxon

Close readers may already notice a problem here: my filter for “RG” observation is based on whether or not we think the observation had a Community Taxon at species level at the time of the identifications, while my definitions of accuracy are based on the observation taxon. Unfortunately, while we do record what the observation taxon was at the time an identification gets added, we don’t record what the community taxon, so we can’t really differentiate between RG obs and obs that would be RG if the observer hadn’t opted out of the Community Taxon. I’m assuming those cases are relatively rare in this analysis.

Anyway, my main conclusions here are that

  • about 85% of Research Grade observations were accurately identified in this experiment
  • accuracy varies considerably by taxon, from 91% accurate in birds to 65% accurate in insects

In addition to the issues I already raised, there were some serious problems here:

Since I was presenting to a bunch of Southern California botanists, I figured I’d try repeating the analysis assuming some folks in the audience were infallible experts, so I exported identifications by jrebman, naomibot, and keirmorse (all SoCal botanists I trust) and made the same chart:

jrebman has WAY more IDs in this dataset than either of the other two botanists, and he’s added way more identifications than were present in the 2017 Identification Quality Experiment. I’m not sure if he’s infallible, but he’s a well-established systematic botanist at the San Diego Natural History Museum, so he’s probably as close to an infallible identifier as we can get.

Anyway, note that we’re a good 8-9 percentage points more accurate here. Maybe this is due to a bigger sample, maybe this is due to Jon’s relatively unbiased approach to identifying (he’s not looking for Needs ID records or incorrectly identified records, he just IDs all plants within his regions of interest, namely San Diego County and the Baja peninsula), maybe this pool of observations has more accurate identifiers than observations as a whole, maybe people are more interested in observing easy-to-identify plants in this set of parameters (doubtful). Anyway, I find it interesting.

That’s it for identification accuracy. If you know of papers on this or other analyses, please include links in the comments!

Accuracy of Automated Suggestions

I also wanted to address what we know about how accurate our automated suggestions are (aka vision results, aka “the AI”). First, it helps to know some basics about where these suggestions come from. Here’s a schematic:

The model is a statistical model that accepts a photo as input and outputs a ranked list of iNaturalist taxa. We train the model on photos and taxa from iNaturalist observations, so the way it ranks that list of output taxa is based on what it’s learned about what visual attributes are present in images labeled as different taxa. That’s a gross over-simplification, of course, but hopefully adequate for now.

The suggestions you see, however, are actually a combination of vision model results and nearby observation frequencies. To get those nearby observations, we try to find a common ancestor among the top N model results (N varies with each new model, but in this figure N = 3). Then we look up observations of that common ancestor within 100km of the photo being tested. If there are observations of taxa in those results that weren’t in the vision results, we inject them into the final results. We also re-order suggestions based on their taxon frequencies.

So with that summary in mind, here’s some data on how accurate we think different parts of this process are.

Model Accuracy (Vision only)

There are a lot of ways to test this, but here we’re using photos of taxa the model trained on exported at the time of training but not included in that training as inputs, and “accuracy” is how often the model recommends the right taxon for those photos as the top result. We’ve broken that down by iconic taxon and by number of training images. I believe the actual data points here are taxa and not photos, but Alex can correct me on that if I’m wrong.

So main conclusions here are

  1. Median accuracy is between 70 and 85% for taxa the model knows about
  2. Accuracy varies widely within iconic taxa, and somewhat between iconic taxa
  3. Number of training images makes a difference (generally more the better, with diminishing returns)

Overall Accuracy (Vision + Nearby Obs)

This chart takes some time to understand, but it’s the results of tests we perform on the whole system, varying by method of defining accuracy (top1, top10, etc) and common ancestor calculation parameters (what top YY results are we looking at for determining a common ancestor, what combined vision score threshold do we accept for a common ancestor).

My main conclusions here are

  1. The common ancestor, i.e. what you see as “We’re pretty sure it’s in this genus,” is very accurate, like in the 95% range
  2. Top1 accuracy is only about 64% when we include taxa the model doesn’t know about. That surprised me b/c anecdotally it seems higher, but keep in mind this test set includes photos of taxa the model doesn’t know about (i.e. it cannot recommend the right taxon for those photos), and I’m biased toward seeing common stuff the model knows about in California
  3. Nearby observation injection helps a lot, like 10 percentage points in general


  1. Accuracy is complicated and difficult to measure
  2. What little we know suggests iNat RG observations are correctly identified at least 85% of the time
  3. Vision suggestions are 60-80% accurate, depending on how you define “accurate,” but more like 95% if you only accept the “we’re pretty sure” suggestions

Hope that was interesting! Another conclusion was that I’m a crappy data scientist and I need to get more practice using iPython notebooks and the whole Python data science stack.

  • AI Model 7 . July 2021

    The number of taxa included in the model went from almost 25,000 to over 38,000. That’s an increase of 13,000 taxa compared to the last model, which, to put in perspective, is more than the total number of bird species worldwide. The number of training photos increased from 12 million to nearly 21 million.
    Accuracy outside of North America has improved noticeably in this model. We suspect this is largely due to the nearly doubling of the data driving this model in addition to recent international growth in the iNaturalist community. We’re continuing to work on developing a better framework for evaluating changes in model accuracy, especially given tradeoffs among global and regional accuracy and accuracy for specific groups of taxa.

    The recent changes removing non-nearby taxa from suggestions by default have helped reduce this global-regional accuracy tradeoff, but there’s still more work to do to improve how computer vision predictions are incorporating geographic information.
    Participate in the annual iNaturalist challenges: Our collaborators Grant Van Horn and Oisin Mac Aodha continue to run machine learning challenges with iNaturalist data as part of the annual Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference. By participating you can help us all learn new techniques for improving these models.

    Start building your own model with the iNaturalist data now: If you can’t wait for the next CVPR conference, thanks to the Amazon Open Data Program you can start downloading iNaturalist data to train your own models now. Please share with us what you’ve learned by contributing to iNaturalist on Github.

  • BIODIV Next
    Een presentatie hoe een be-nl model samengesteld is
    Hierarchisch Model Ensemble is nauwkeuriger dan een singe model, mogelijk omdat bij 16.000 soorten te veel keuzes gemaakt moeten worden (Inception-v1, Inception-v3,Inception-v4, ResNet-18,, ResNet-34 , ResNet-101, GoogleLeNet, BN-NIN, GG-10)
    Performance vs Voorkomen

  • AI Model 8 . May 2022

    In 2017 the amount of recognised species was 20.000 and now it is still.....20.000?
    FWIW, there's also discussion and some additional charts at
    AI Model 5 . July 2019 included 16,000 taxa and 12 million training photos.
    AI Model 6 . July 2020 included 25,000 taxa and xx million training photos.
    AI Model 7 . July 2021 included 38,000 taxa and 21 million training photos. Training job in October 2021, we planned to train a AI Model 8 . May 2022 on 47,000 taxa and 25 million training images but finished with er 55,000 taxa and over 27 million training images.
    March 2020
    Juli 2021
    uli 2021 Model 7
    Sept 2022 Model 9 Sept 2022
    Okt 2022 Model 10 Okt 2022

    Model v1.3 (Nr 11), Oktober 2022 has 66,214 taxa, up from 64,884.

    This new model (v1.3) is the second we’ve trained in about a month using the new faster approach, but it’s the first with a narrow ~1 month interval between the export of the data it was trained on and the export of the data the model it is replacing (v1.2) was trained on. The previous model (v1.2) was replacing a model (v1.1) trained on data exported in April so there was a 4 month interval between these data exports (interval between A and B in the figure below). This 4 month interval is why model 1.2 added ~5,000 new taxa to the model. The new model (v1.3) was trained on data exported just 37 days after the data used to train model 1.2 (interval between B and C in the figure below) and added 1,368 new taxa.
    ooks like the web app, shut down some time back. I have restarted it and updated the links.
    Just in case, this is address 45 (the ip address should not change)
    This app visualizes model predictions for a Computer Vision model trained on iNaturalist data

    You can read more about how this model was trained here

    Here is a rough guide to use this app :

    Look at the predictions on a Random image from the validation set
    Look at the Accuracy Summary for different taxonomic groups
    For example to look at the summary by Kingdom
    I personally find the summary by Order most useful
    Look at the errors at different levels in the taxonomic heirarchy.
    For example to look at errors where the model got the Kingdom wrong !
    For example to look at errors where the the model got the Species wrong
    This is a personal project by Satyajit Gupte
    I would be happy to hear anything you have to say. You can reach me at or on iNat

    Google provides three models that have been trained with iNaturalist data - classification models for plants, birds, and insects. These Google models can be downloaded and used with Google's TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite tools.

    Publicado por optilete hace 9 meses

    Further Reading

    1. The Recipe from PyTorch
    2. A nice paper on tuning hyper-parameters. The same author also came up with cyclical learning rates.
    3. Trivial Auto Augment
    4. How label smoothing helps
    5. CutMix, another clever augmentation strategy , which I did not try out.
    6. Geo Prior Model that encodes location and time
    7. How biologists think about classification ! This is a very good read.

  • Publicado el diciembre 1, 2020 06:19 TARDE por ahospers ahospers | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario

    03 de diciembre de 2020

    40. European Bird Atlas 2020 EBBA2 on Youtube Today

    Agenda European Bird Atlas EBBA2 Presentation
    Noord Hollandse Natuurdag Agenda DUUR
    Agenda EBBA European Bird Atlas 10:00
    a First Session Chair Mark Eaton
    Opening the Event, EBCC Chair, Royal SocietyFor Protection of Birds
    10:05 10min
    b The Storey of the European Bird Atlas 2
    Varena Keller, chair of the Atlas Steering Committe, EBCC, Swiss Ornithological Institute
    10:05 20min
    c General Patterns of bird distribution and changes in Europe
    Sergi Herrando, EBBA2 coordianionteam, EBCC, Catalan Ornithological Institute
    10:25 15min
    d Distribution, abundance and change in selected species
    Petr Vorsek, EBBA2coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
    10:40 15min
    Pauze 10:45 10min
    e Use of EBBA2 results for policy support
    Maria Luisa Paracchini, Joint Research Center
    11:05 11:20
    f Use of EBBA2 in data research
    Aleski Lehikoinen, EBCC, University of Helsinki
    11:20 11:35
    g Interpreting and using EBBA2 results
    Discussion session in which Verena Keller, Sergi Herrando, Petr Vorisek, Maria Luisa
    Paracchini and Aleksi Lehikoin will be available for questions.
    11:35 12:05
    Break, Pauze 12:05 12:15
    Second Session, Chair Ruud Foppen
    i European Russian Bird Atlas
    Mikhail Kalyakin, EBCC, Zoological Museum of the Moscow University
    12:15 12:25
    j Ukrainian contribution to EBBA2: Challenges and Lessons
    Tatiana Kuzmenko, Ukrainian Society for Protection of Birds
    12:25 12:35
    k Selected experiences from the 3rd Danish Breeding Atlas (2014-2017)
    THomas Vikstrom, Danish Ornithological Society
    12:35 12:45
    l Beyond ABBA2, From Atlas to Monitoring
    Alena Klvanova, EBBA2 coordinator team, EBCC, CZech Society for Ornithology
    12:45 13:00
    m Time for Questions for Alena Klavanova, Thomas Vikstrom, Tatiana Kuzmenko, Mikhal Kalyakin 13:00 13:10
    n Make EBBA2 happen, The national perspective
    10 minutes Break (3 uur 11 min)
    x Data-rich and Data-poor, Maximising EBBA2coverage in the UK
    Dawn Balmer, Justin Walker, David Noble
    3h:13 3h20
    p Atlas of Birds in Breeding Season(Spain) Blas Molina, Juan Carlos del Moral, Aaron Nebreda 14:00 14:05
    1 Blijft buiten tellen. Het belang van vrijwilligers en Natuurgegevens voor Biodiversiteit
    Nico Jonker
    10:15 25 min
    2 Resultaten insenctencamera's Marten Schoonman 10:45 25min
    2 Ringstation Vinkenbaan "Van Lennep"; 60 jaar Ringonderzoek
    Lars Buckx
    10:45 25min
    3 Vleermuizenmigratie over kust en zee
    Sander Lagerveld
    11:15 25min
    3 Plas-drassen en Weidevogels
    Dick Melman
    11:15 25min
    4 Stadsflora van de Lage Landen: Steenrijke plantengroei in Noord Hollandse steden
    Ton Denters
    11:45 25min
    4 Hoe komen Smienten de Winter door ?
    Piet Zomerdijk
    11:45 25min
    Pauze 12:15 25min
    5 Presentatie themanummer Smient van het Natuurblad "Tussen Duin & Dijk" 12:30 15min
    6 De ringslang in Amsterdam, historie en 25 jaar broeihopen
    Gert Timmermans
    12:45 25min
    6 Beinvloedt klimaatverandering onze wadvogels ?
    Jeroen Reneerkens
    12:45 25min
    7 Het Noordzeekanaal, Route voor Trekvis
    Marco van Wieringen
    13:15 25min
    7 40 jaar Samenwerkende Vogelwerkgroepen in Noord Holland
    Hans Stapersma
    13:15 25min
    8 Nachtvlinders van het NoordHollands Duinreservaat. Bijzondere soorten en de onderzoeksmethode
    Luc Knijnsberg
    13:45 25min
    SOVON Lezingen programma / 26:12
    Interview Ruud Foppen 26 min Foppen
    PodCasts PFiet

    10:00–14:00 CET)
    Watch live here:
    First session
    chair Mark Eaton
    Opening the event
    Mark Eaton, EBCC Chair, Royal Society for Protection of Birds, Gabriel Gargallo, director,
    Catalan Ornithological Institute
    The story of European Breeding Bird Atlas 2
    Verena Keller, chair of the Atlas Steering Committee, EBCC, Swiss Ornithological Institute
    General patterns of bird distribution and change in Europe
    Sergi Herrando, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Catalan Ornithological Institute
    Distribution, abundance and change in selected species
    Petr Voříšek, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
    10:55–11:05 Break
    Use of EBBA2 results for policy
    Maria Luisa Paracchini, Joint Research Centre
    Use of EBBA2 data in research
    Aleksi Lehikoinen, EBCC, University of Helsinki
    Interpreting and using EBBA2 results
    Discussion session in which Verena Keller, Sergi Herrando, Petr Voříšek, Maria Luisa
    Paracchini and Aleksi Lehikoinen will be available for questions.
    12:05–12:15 Break
    Second session
    chair Ruud Foppen
    European Russia Bird Atlas: done
    Mikhail Kalyakin, EBCC, Zoological Museum of the Moscow University
    Ukrainian contribution to EBBA2: challenges and lessons
    Tatiana Kuzmenko, Ukrainian Society for Protection of Birds
    Selected experiences from the 3rd Danish breeding bird atlas (2014–17)
    Thomas Vikstrøm, Danish Ornithological Society
    Beyond EBBA2: from atlas to monitoring
    Alena Klvaňová, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
    Time for questions. Mikhail Kalyakin, Tatiana Kuzmenko, Thomas Vikstrøm and Alena
    Klvaňová will be available for questions.
    Making EBBA2 happen – the national perspective
    Feedback from the countries contributing to EBBA2: a series of short talks by national
    coordinators of atlas work:
     Using advantages of Armenia to organize country-wide data collection
    Karen Aghababyan
     Data-rich and data-poor, maximising EBBA2 coverage in the UK
    Dawn Balmer, Justin Walker, David Noble
     Atlas of birds in breeding season (Spain)
    Blas Molina, Juan Carlos del Moral, Aaron Nebreda
     Hungarian Bird Atlas (2021) – based on Hungarian PECBMS and EBBA2 data
    Tibor Szép
     Collecting data for the European breeding birds atlas in Bulgaria Stoycho Stoychev
     Contribution of structured and unstructured data to EBBA2 – The case of Portugal
    Carlos Godinho, Júlia Almeida, Joaquim Teodósio, Domingos Leitao
     The EBBA2 experience in Greece Danae Portolou
     EBBA2 in Poland – challenges and lessons learnt Tomasz Wilk, Tomasz Chodkiewicz
     National contribution to EBBA2 – Croatia Vlatka Dumbovic Mazal

    iNaturalist is a not-for-profit initiative making a global impact on biodiversity by connecting people to nature with technology. We know some of you have seen these fundraising messages because they have been closed more than 10,355 times since we started asking in earnest last week. Thank you to the 0.2% of the community who are donors!
    If you've been waiting for the right moment to chip in, here's what your gift can do:
    -$13 stores 10,000 observation photos for a year
    -$28 sends one day's worth of email updates
    -$112 stores 1 million observation photos for 1 month
    -$333 keeps iNat servers running for 24 hours

    Literatuur, Referenties

    view-source: Heatmap
    HASH4 is zoomlevel of heatmap
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    Presentation Discord material here: 2

    GPS issues on Camera's

    European Bird Atlas 2020 EBBA2 on Youtube Today(40)

    Can you spare a moment before you click away?

    iNaturalist is a not-for-profit initiative making a global impact on biodiversity by connecting people to nature with technology. This year alone, 1 million people have contributed observations to iNaturalist, but only 0.24% have donated to support the operations that keep iNaturalist running. Thank you to the 0.24% of the community who are donors! When you donate to iNaturalist, we don’t send you any paper mail (or even ask for your address), we don’t share your email with other organizations, and we put it all back to growing and sustaining this vibrant virtual community. We know not everyone can contribute financially, but if iNaturalist has brightened your life this year, here’s what your gift can do:
    -$13 stores 10,000 observation photos for a year
    -$28 sends one day’s worth of email updates
    -$112 stores 1 million observation photos for 1 month
    -$333 keeps iNat servers running for 24 hours

    Can you help?"

    Publicado el diciembre 3, 2020 11:49 MAÑANA por ahospers ahospers | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

    40. European Bird Atlas 2020 EBBA2 on Youtube Today

    10:00–14:00 CET)
    Watch live here:
    First session
    chair Mark Eaton
    Opening the event
    Mark Eaton, EBCC Chair, Royal Society for Protection of Birds, Gabriel Gargallo, director,
    Catalan Ornithological Institute
    The story of European Breeding Bird Atlas 2
    Verena Keller, chair of the Atlas Steering Committee, EBCC, Swiss Ornithological Institute
    General patterns of bird distribution and change in Europe
    Sergi Herrando, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Catalan Ornithological Institute
    Distribution, abundance and change in selected species
    Petr Voříšek, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
    10:55–11:05 Break
    Use of EBBA2 results for policy
    Maria Luisa Paracchini, Joint Research Centre
    Use of EBBA2 data in research
    Aleksi Lehikoinen, EBCC, University of Helsinki
    Interpreting and using EBBA2 results
    Discussion session in which Verena Keller, Sergi Herrando, Petr Voříšek, Maria Luisa
    Paracchini and Aleksi Lehikoinen will be available for questions.
    12:05–12:15 Break
    Second session
    chair Ruud Foppen
    European Russia Bird Atlas: done
    Mikhail Kalyakin, EBCC, Zoological Museum of the Moscow University
    Ukrainian contribution to EBBA2: challenges and lessons
    Tatiana Kuzmenko, Ukrainian Society for Protection of Birds
    Selected experiences from the 3rd Danish breeding bird atlas (2014–17)
    Thomas Vikstrøm, Danish Ornithological Society
    Beyond EBBA2: from atlas to monitoring
    Alena Klvaňová, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
    Time for questions. Mikhail Kalyakin, Tatiana Kuzmenko, Thomas Vikstrøm and Alena
    Klvaňová will be available for questions.
    Making EBBA2 happen – the national perspective
    Feedback from the countries contributing to EBBA2: a series of short talks by national
    coordinators of atlas work:
     Using advantages of Armenia to organize country-wide data collection
    Karen Aghababyan
     Data-rich and data-poor, maximising EBBA2 coverage in the UK
    Dawn Balmer, Justin Walker, David Noble
     Atlas of birds in breeding season (Spain)
    Blas Molina, Juan Carlos del Moral, Aaron Nebreda
     Hungarian Bird Atlas (2021) – based on Hungarian PECBMS and EBBA2 data
    Tibor Szép
     Collecting data for the European breeding birds atlas in Bulgaria Stoycho Stoychev
     Contribution of structured and unstructured data to EBBA2 – The case of Portugal
    Carlos Godinho, Júlia Almeida, Joaquim Teodósio, Domingos Leitao
     The EBBA2 experience in Greece Danae Portolou
     EBBA2 in Poland – challenges and lessons learnt Tomasz Wilk, Tomasz Chodkiewicz
     National contribution to EBBA2 – Croatia Vlatka Dumbovic Mazal

    iNaturalist is a not-for-profit initiative making a global impact on biodiversity by connecting people to nature with technology. We know some of you have seen these fundraising messages because they have been closed more than 10,355 times since we started asking in earnest last week. Thank you to the 0.2% of the community who are donors!
    If you've been waiting for the right moment to chip in, here's what your gift can do:
    -$13 stores 10,000 observation photos for a year
    -$28 sends one day's worth of email updates
    -$112 stores 1 million observation photos for 1 month
    -$333 keeps iNat servers running for 24 hours

    Literatuur, Referenties

    view-source: Heatmap
    HASH4 is zoomlevel of heatmap
    HASH4 beteekend zoom niveau van de Heatmap
    Presentation Discord material here: 2

    GPS issues on Camera's
    Als je de lijst van waarnemers wil hebben met onnauwkeurigheid dan

    European Bird Atlas 2020 EBBA2 on Youtube Today(40)
    40% no change

    Nederlandse (vogel)namen talrijk aanwezig op iNaturalist(32)
    Hieronder een overzicht van locale landelijke namen van Reptielen, amfibieen en vogels van alle talen die aanwezig zijn op iNaturalist...(In totaal zijn er wel 400 lexicons aanwezig op De gegevens zijn al een paar maanden oud en zullen in de loop van de tijd ongetwijfeld veranderd zijn. De gegevens zijn verzameld om te kijken hoeveel soorten er missen per taal.

    Het nederlandse namen komen drie keer vaker voor als bijvoorbeeld de duitse of franse namen.

    Publicado el diciembre 3, 2020 11:50 MAÑANA por ahospers ahospers | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

    40. European Bird Atlas 2020 EBBA2 live on Youtube Today

    10:00–14:00 CET)
    Watch live here:
    First session
    chair Mark Eaton
    Opening the event
    Mark Eaton, EBCC Chair, Royal Society for Protection of Birds, Gabriel Gargallo, director,
    Catalan Ornithological Institute
    The story of European Breeding Bird Atlas 2
    Verena Keller, chair of the Atlas Steering Committee, EBCC, Swiss Ornithological Institute
    General patterns of bird distribution and change in Europe
    Sergi Herrando, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Catalan Ornithological Institute
    Distribution, abundance and change in selected species
    Petr Voříšek, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
    10:55–11:05 Break
    Use of EBBA2 results for policy
    Maria Luisa Paracchini, Joint Research Centre
    Use of EBBA2 data in research
    Aleksi Lehikoinen, EBCC, University of Helsinki
    Interpreting and using EBBA2 results
    Discussion session in which Verena Keller, Sergi Herrando, Petr Voříšek, Maria Luisa
    Paracchini and Aleksi Lehikoinen will be available for questions.
    12:05–12:15 Break
    Second session
    chair Ruud Foppen
    European Russia Bird Atlas: done
    Mikhail Kalyakin, EBCC, Zoological Museum of the Moscow University
    Ukrainian contribution to EBBA2: challenges and lessons
    Tatiana Kuzmenko, Ukrainian Society for Protection of Birds
    Selected experiences from the 3rd Danish breeding bird atlas (2014–17)
    Thomas Vikstrøm, Danish Ornithological Society
    Beyond EBBA2: from atlas to monitoring
    Alena Klvaňová, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
    Time for questions. Mikhail Kalyakin, Tatiana Kuzmenko, Thomas Vikstrøm and Alena
    Klvaňová will be available for questions.
    Making EBBA2 happen – the national perspective
    Feedback from the countries contributing to EBBA2: a series of short talks by national
    coordinators of atlas work:
     Using advantages of Armenia to organize country-wide data collection
    Karen Aghababyan
     Data-rich and data-poor, maximising EBBA2 coverage in the UK
    Dawn Balmer, Justin Walker, David Noble
     Atlas of birds in breeding season (Spain)
    Blas Molina, Juan Carlos del Moral, Aaron Nebreda
     Hungarian Bird Atlas (2021) – based on Hungarian PECBMS and EBBA2 data
    Tibor Szép
     Collecting data for the European breeding birds atlas in Bulgaria Stoycho Stoychev
     Contribution of structured and unstructured data to EBBA2 – The case of Portugal
    Carlos Godinho, Júlia Almeida, Joaquim Teodósio, Domingos Leitao
     The EBBA2 experience in Greece Danae Portolou
     EBBA2 in Poland – challenges and lessons learnt Tomasz Wilk, Tomasz Chodkiewicz
     National contribution to EBBA2 – Croatia Vlatka Dumbovic Mazal

    iNaturalist is a not-for-profit initiative making a global impact on biodiversity by connecting people to nature with technology. We know some of you have seen these fundraising messages because they have been closed more than 10,355 times since we started asking in earnest last week. Thank you to the 0.2% of the community who are donors!
    If you've been waiting for the right moment to chip in, here's what your gift can do:
    -$13 stores 10,000 observation photos for a year
    -$28 sends one day's worth of email updates
    -$112 stores 1 million observation photos for 1 month
    -$333 keeps iNat servers running for 24 hours

    Literatuur, Referenties

    view-source: Heatmap
    HASH4 is zoomlevel of heatmap
    HASH4 beteekend zoom niveau van de Heatmap
    Presentation Discord material here: 2

    GPS issues on Camera's

    European Bird Atlas 2020 EBBA2 live on Youtube Today(40)
    40% no change

    Publicado el diciembre 3, 2020 11:51 MAÑANA por ahospers ahospers | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

    40. European Bird Atlas 2020 EBBA2 live on Youtube Today

    10:00–14:00 CET)
    Watch live here:
    First session
    chair Mark Eaton
    Opening the event
    Mark Eaton, EBCC Chair, Royal Society for Protection of Birds, Gabriel Gargallo, director,
    Catalan Ornithological Institute
    The story of European Breeding Bird Atlas 2
    Verena Keller, chair of the Atlas Steering Committee, EBCC, Swiss Ornithological Institute
    General patterns of bird distribution and change in Europe
    Sergi Herrando, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Catalan Ornithological Institute
    Distribution, abundance and change in selected species
    Petr Voříšek, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
    10:55–11:05 Break
    Use of EBBA2 results for policy
    Maria Luisa Paracchini, Joint Research Centre
    Use of EBBA2 data in research
    Aleksi Lehikoinen, EBCC, University of Helsinki
    Interpreting and using EBBA2 results
    Discussion session in which Verena Keller, Sergi Herrando, Petr Voříšek, Maria Luisa
    Paracchini and Aleksi Lehikoinen will be available for questions.
    12:05–12:15 Break
    Second session
    chair Ruud Foppen
    European Russia Bird Atlas: done
    Mikhail Kalyakin, EBCC, Zoological Museum of the Moscow University
    Ukrainian contribution to EBBA2: challenges and lessons
    Tatiana Kuzmenko, Ukrainian Society for Protection of Birds
    Selected experiences from the 3rd Danish breeding bird atlas (2014–17)
    Thomas Vikstrøm, Danish Ornithological Society
    Beyond EBBA2: from atlas to monitoring
    Alena Klvaňová, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
    Time for questions. Mikhail Kalyakin, Tatiana Kuzmenko, Thomas Vikstrøm and Alena
    Klvaňová will be available for questions.
    Making EBBA2 happen – the national perspective
    Feedback from the countries contributing to EBBA2: a series of short talks by national
    coordinators of atlas work:
     Using advantages of Armenia to organize country-wide data collection
    Karen Aghababyan
     Data-rich and data-poor, maximising EBBA2 coverage in the UK
    Dawn Balmer, Justin Walker, David Noble
     Atlas of birds in breeding season (Spain)
    Blas Molina, Juan Carlos del Moral, Aaron Nebreda
     Hungarian Bird Atlas (2021) – based on Hungarian PECBMS and EBBA2 data
    Tibor Szép
     Collecting data for the European breeding birds atlas in Bulgaria Stoycho Stoychev
     Contribution of structured and unstructured data to EBBA2 – The case of Portugal
    Carlos Godinho, Júlia Almeida, Joaquim Teodósio, Domingos Leitao
     The EBBA2 experience in Greece Danae Portolou
     EBBA2 in Poland – challenges and lessons learnt Tomasz Wilk, Tomasz Chodkiewicz
     National contribution to EBBA2 – Croatia Vlatka Dumbovic Mazal

    iNaturalist is a not-for-profit initiative making a global impact on biodiversity by connecting people to nature with technology. We know some of you have seen these fundraising messages because they have been closed more than 10,355 times since we started asking in earnest last week. Thank you to the 0.2% of the community who are donors!
    If you've been waiting for the right moment to chip in, here's what your gift can do:
    -$13 stores 10,000 observation photos for a year
    -$28 sends one day's worth of email updates
    -$112 stores 1 million observation photos for 1 month
    -$333 keeps iNat servers running for 24 hours

    Literatuur, Referenties

    view-source: Heatmap
    HASH4 is zoomlevel of heatmap
    HASH4 beteekend zoom niveau van de Heatmap
    Presentation Discord material here: 2

    GPS issues on Camera's

    European Bird Atlas 2020 EBBA2 live on Youtube Today(40)
    40% no change

    Publicado el diciembre 3, 2020 11:52 MAÑANA por ahospers ahospers | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

    06 de diciembre de 2020

    41. Sovon Dag

    SovonDag Duur
    SOVON Lezingen programma / 26:12
    Interview Ruud Foppen 26 min Foppen
    Vroege Vogel EBBC Atlas 12 min
    PodCasts PFiet
    . . Can you spare a moment before you click away? iNaturalist is a not-for-profit initiative making a global impact on biodiversity by connecting people to nature with technology. This year alone, 1 million people have contributed observations to iNaturalist, but only 0.24% have donated to support the operations that keep iNaturalist running. Thank you to the 0.24% of the community who are donors! When you donate to iNaturalist, we don’t send you any paper mail (or even ask for your address), we don’t share your email with other organizations, and we put it all back to growing and sustaining this vibrant virtual community. We know not everyone can contribute financially, but if iNaturalist has brightened your life this year, here’s what your gift can do: -$13 stores 10,000 observation photos for a year -$28 sends one day’s worth of email updates -$112 stores 1 million observation photos for 1 month -$333 keeps iNat servers running for 24 hours Can you help?"
    Publicado el diciembre 6, 2020 11:16 MAÑANA por ahospers ahospers | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

    12 de diciembre de 2020

    42-FLORON-dag / KNNV botanische dag 2020

    FLORON-dag / KNNV botanische dag 2020

    Morgen start de FLORON-dag / KNNV botanische dag. Met deze email sturen we je benodigde links toe om deel te kunnen nemen aan de verschillende lezingen. Als je op een link klikt, wordt je automatisch doorgeleid naar de Zoomsessie.


    9:00 - 10:00 uur en 13:15 - 14:00 uur - Ontmoet floristen in

    Opening en vrijwilliger van het jaar

    Opening en vrijwilliger van het jaar

    10:00 - 11:00 uur - Ochtendprogramma


    1. Opening en uitreiking Vrijwilliger van het Jaar - Hennie Roorda (voorzitter Stichting FLORON) & Rob van Westrienen (directeur FLORON)
    2. Bijzondere en nieuwe vondsten 2020 - Leni Duistermaat (Naturalis Biodiversity Center)
      Bijzondere en nieuwe vondsten 2020

      Bijzondere en nieuwe vondsten 2020

    11:00 - 12:30 uur - Themablok 1 - Klimaatadaptatie


    1. Bosbeheer bij klimaatverandering - Harrie Hekhuis (Staatsbosbeheer)
    2. Inheemse bomen in een klimaatbestendig bos? - Bert Maes (Ecologisch Adviesbureau Maes)
    3. Fenologie en nectarproductie - Laurens Sparrius (FLORON)

    11:00 - 12:30 uur - Themablok 2 - Soortenbescherming en inzaai


    1. Inzaai van soorten: wanneer wel en wanneer niet? - Joop Schaminée & Sina Bohm (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)

    Professor Joop Schaminée gaat in de lezing "Inzaai van soorten, wanneer wel en wanneer niet?" in op de zin en onzin van inzaai van plantensoorten. Wanneer draagt inzaai bij aan herstel van de biodiversiteit, en wanneer kan je het beter laten?

    Deze lezing was onderdeel van de FLORON-dag / KNNV botanische dag 2020 op zaterdag 12 december 2020.

    1. Succesvolle beschermingsprojecten door FLORON - Sascha van der Meer (FLORON)
    2. Plantenmonitoring in de Binnenveldse Hooilanden - Francisca Sival (KNNV Wageningen)

    11:00 -12:30 uur - Themablok 3 - Waterplanten


    1. Varen tussen Doorgroeid fonteinkruid in het Eemmeer - Michiel Verhofstad (FLORON)

      Varen tussen Doorgroeid fonteinkruid in het Eemmeer - Michiel Verhofstad (FLORON)

    2. Determinatie van vederkruiden en andere waterplanten - Johan van Valkenburg (NVWA)
    3. Aanleg en herstel van drijfeilandjes in Utrecht - Lies König (KNNV Utrecht)

    12:30 - 13:15 uur - Plantenquiz en afsluiting ochtendprogramma


    1. Plantenkwiz - Joop Verburg & Willem Braam (Werkgroep Florakartering Drenthe)
    2. Afsluiting ochtendprogramma - Rob van Westrienen (directeur FLORON)


    14:00 - 14:30 uur - Workshop Herbariumvellen Botanische collectie op de kaart - Laurens Sparrius (FLORON)


    14:30 - 15:00 uur - Workshop Introductie tot Heukels' 24 - Gertie Papenburg (FLORON district Friesland)


    15:00 - 15:45 uur - Lezing Dutch and Irish bog story & the restoration of bogs using Sphagnum Moss transfer - Nuala Madigan (Irish Peatland Conservation Council)


    15:00 - 16:00 uur - Jaarvergadering Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische Vereniging (KNBV)

    16:00 - 17:00 uur - Workshop Schermbloemigen: Het is niet allemaal Fluitenkruid en Berenklauw - Willemien Troelstra (FLORON district Zuid-Holland Zuid)


    Bekijk alle lezingen terug op YouTube

    Alle lezingen worden opgenomen en kunnen later teruggekeken worden op het YouTubekanaal van FLORON. We streven ernaar alle lezingen voor het begin van de Kerstvakantie online te zetten.

    Ben je nog niet bekend met Zoom, Kahoot en Geen nood! Met onderstaande handleidingen kan jij probleemloos meedoen met de FLORON-dag / KNNV botanische dag.


    Digitale FLORON-dag / KNNV botanische dag!

    HTML is still supported but only a few tags are allowed. is not allowed as it seems but you can use for the same effect. Or you could use Markdown which is also supported as explained in this post: 2
    The markdown for italics would be text in italics.
    It ain’t necessarily so. It depends on whether the text is being read by a visual browser, a screen reader or other agent (such as a search engine).
    Alright then, for screen readers is better defined. So it is actually preferable. Otherwise they should be rendered the same.
    Since when is it no longer allowed? It worked just fine until recently and it’s still listed as acceptable text formatting code here:

    Actually, not quite right. In markdown, the asterisk is used to delimit “emphasis” NOT “italics”, so it is equivalent to html . This may be getting a bit pedantic, but is not guaranteed to render as italics (although it usually does). When we are writing comments with latin binomials, those really should be rendered as italics, not just emphasis, so the tag is more appropriate than the markdown asterisk. (That said, I have started using the markdown * in my comments, just because it’s easier.)
    42-FLORON-dag / KNNV botanische dag 2020

    De Flora op Spitsbergen - Christophe Brochard - WFD-dag 2021

    De Flora op Spitsbergen - Christophe Brochard - WFD-dag 2021

    Versla de jaarafrekening! - Deel 04 - Radiatoren & vloerverwarming

    Versla de jaarafrekening! - Deel 04 - Radiatoren & vloerverwarming

    Publicado el diciembre 12, 2020 10:44 MAÑANA por ahospers ahospers | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

    14 de diciembre de 2020

    Determinatie Sleutel Mossen boek

    Veel foto’s in het boek Mosses of Europe van M. Lüth zijn online te zien via deze link:

    Overigens staan in die boeken wel veenmossen maar geen levermossen. Om te determineren zijn ze ook niet goed geschikt vind ik.'Estudis_Catalans_Seccio_de_Ciencies_Biologiques_Barcelona

    Automatische herkenning Soorten door de COmputer (AI)

    i guess “easy” is in the eye of the beholder, but you might be interested in some things i mentioned here: 1. this thread may also be of interest: 1. if you search the forum for computer vision training or other related keywords, you may also find other discussions that might be relevant.

    This research group has some papers on the subject. 3

    This is a simpler approach (that could potentially be extrapolated to your bird species) that would be easier for a first machine learning project. 2

    Publicado el diciembre 14, 2020 10:05 MAÑANA por ahospers ahospers | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

    43. Look for location in more than 1 picture

    1. Tap the green plus icon, tap “Choose Image,” choose one photo, then tap the camera icon to add more photos
    2. Tap the green plus icon, tap “Choose Image” and long-press to choose multiple photos at once
    3. Tap the green plus icon, tap “No Photo” and tap the camera icon to add photos, manually changing all the other settings
    4. Find a photo in your photos or gallery app and share the photo with iNaturalist, then tap the camera icon to add more photos
    5. Long-press to select multiple photos in your photos or gallery app to share multiple photos as a single observation in iNaturalist
    6. Something else?
      What I’m seeing is that long-pressing in the photos app to share multiple photos with iNat as a single observation currently does what you’re asking for, i.e. it consistently imports coordinates from one of the photos even if another doesn’t have coordinates. Strangely, choosing multiple photos from within the iNat app does not have that effect. If we made both of these behave the same (i.e. we always get coordinates when we can), would that solve your issue, @erininmd?

    ** Not importing coordinates (or any other metadata) ** when tapping the photos icon on the observation edit screen to add additional photos is intentional. I think we may have done that at some point and it was extremely jarring. Actually I think what we did was prompt you whether or not you wanted to use the metadata from a new photo you were importing and most people found that insanely confusing (I kind of liked it).

    I’m not entirely convinced @pisum’s solution of choosing which photo to import coordinates from solves a problem a lot of people are having. I could imagine it being useful in situations where the coordinates are way off on the first photo you took but much better on the last, but that seems like a distant edge case. Just my opinion, though. Could be interesting to show the coordinates from all photos on the location chooser just so you can change the coordinates if the app got coordinates from one bad egg.

    Publicado el diciembre 14, 2020 08:30 TARDE por ahospers ahospers | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

    18 de diciembre de 2020

    44. Programma 11de Noord-Hollandse Natuurdag

    11e Noord-Hollandse Natuurdag digitaal te volgen

    De Noord-Hollandse Natuurdag gaat dit jaar helemaal digitaal. Iedereen kan de lezingen op zaterdag 19 december vanaf huis volgen. Er zijn maar liefst twaalf verschillende sprekers die je bijpraten over actuele ontwikkelingen en lopende onderzoeken. En dat over een groot aantal natuuronderwerpen (vogels en andere soortgroepen). Het complete programma kan je onder aan de pagina downloaden. Het spreekt voor zich dat deze dag veilig, coronaproof en volgens de laatste geldende overheidsregels georganiseerd wordt. Geen mail ontvangen? Kijk dan in je spam-box.

    Volg de lezingen 19 december

    Lezingen Natuurdag

    1. Piet Zomerdijk volgt al jaren de smienten in de Noord-Hollandse polders. Dit heeft veel inzicht opgeleverd in hun gedrag. Hoe ver zijn we met de aankoop en inrichting van het NatuurNetwerk Nederland?
    2. Nico Jonker vertelt over het belang van vrijwilligers bij het natuuronderzoek in Noord-Holland.
    3. Ringer Lars Buckx laat mooie foto’s zien van Ringstation Vinkenbaan "Van Lennep" t in De Kennemerduinen dat 60 jaar bestaat.
    4. Lucas Alferink vertelt over de camera’s die insecten automatisch herkennen. Wat hebben de systemen met gele platen in de weilanden tot nu toe opgeleverd? 1. Geert Timmermans deelt de resultaten van 25 jaar onderzoek aan ringslangen rondom Amsterdam.
    5. Hans Stapersma neemt ons mee in de wereld van de Samenwerkende Vogelwerkgroepen Noord-Holland, de club die 40 jaar geleden werd opgericht. Er is de laatste jaren veel onderzoek gedaan naar het voedsel van grutto’s en andere vogels in plas-drassen.
    6. Dick Melman praat ons bij.
    7. Luc Knijnsberg, de enthousiaste PWN-boswachter en allesweter uit het Noordhollands Duinreservaat, licht de wereld van de nachtvlinders toe met prachtige foto’s.
    8. Dit voorjaar werd bekend dat de klimaatverandering een grote invloed heeft op de trekvogels in de Waddenzee. Jeroen Reneerkens komt er over vertellen.
    9. Sander Lagerveld vertelt over het vleermuisonderzoek dat de laatste jaren in een stroomversnelling is gekomen.
    10. Ton Denters weet alles over de vele nieuwe plantensoorten die juist in steden en dorpen opduiken.
    11. Marco van Wieringen laat de resultaten zien van alle maatregelen die genomen zijn rond het Noordzeekanaal om trekvissen een kans te bieden.


    De POFF en Landschap Noord-Holland organiseren deze Natuurdag en de Nationale Postcode Loterij en de Provincie Noord-Holland maken de dag financieel mogelijk.

    Programma 11de Noord-Hollandse Natuurdag (44)

    SovonDag Duur
    Noord Hollandse Natuurdag 10:00
    1 Blijft buiten tellen. vertelt over het belang van vrijwilligers bij het natuuronderzoek in Noord-Holland. t
    Nico Jonker
    10:15 25 min
    2 Resultaten insenctencamera's Marten Schoonman 10:45 25min
    2 Ringstation Vinkenbaan "Van Lennep"; 60 jaar Ringonderzoek
    Lars Buckx
    10:45 25min
    3 Vleermuizenmigratie over kust en zee
    Sander Lagerveld
    11:15 25min
    3 Plas-drassen en Weidevogels
    Dick Melman
    11:15 25min
    4 Stadsflora van de Lage Landen: Steenrijke plantengroei in Noord Hollandse steden
    Ton Denters
    11:45 25min
    4 Hoe komen Smienten de Winter door ?
    Piet Zomerdijk
    11:45 25min
    Pauze 12:15 25min
    5 Presentatie themanummer Smient van het Natuurblad "Tussen Duin & Dijk" 12:30 15min
    6 De ringslang in Amsterdam, historie en 25 jaar broeihopen
    Gert Timmermans
    12:45 25min
    6 Beinvloedt klimaatverandering onze wadvogels ?
    Jeroen Reneerkens
    12:45 25min
    7 Het Noordzeekanaal, Route voor Trekvis
    Marco van Wieringen
    13:15 25min
    7 40 jaar Samenwerkende Vogelwerkgroepen in Noord Holland
    Hans Stapersma
    13:15 25min
    8 Nachtvlinders van het NoordHollands Duinreservaat. Bijzondere soorten en de onderzoeksmethode
    Luc Knijnsberg
    13:45 25min
    SOVON Lezingen programma / 26:12
    Interview Ruud Foppen 26 min Foppen
    PodCasts PFiet
    Publicado el diciembre 18, 2020 02:44 TARDE por ahospers ahospers | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario