Archivos de diario de septiembre 2019

22 de septiembre de 2019

Berry Springs Preserve Herps of Texas report, 21Sep2019

Another month has passed, and still no rain at Berry Springs Park & Preserve - we had hot and humid, summer-like weather for the monthly amphibian monitoring. What may have been a record turnout of folks (18 !) observed a good number of individuals of two amphibian species - Rio Grande Leopard Frog (Call Index = 2) and Gulf Coast Toad (CI = 0).
The middle slough springhead was dry, but someone pointed out a rabbit in the weeds and Mike was able to take a bunch of photos. Maybe it was a Swamp Rabbit ?
Mary Ann was waiting for us where the middle slough crosses the trail and she told us that Rio Grande Leopard Frogs were calling nearby. With teamwork, we caught and examined one Rio Grande Leopard Frog and one Gulf Coast Toad, and we got a recording of the leopard frogs.
More Rio Grande Leopard Frogs were seen along the slough by the playground and on the banks of the main ponds. A couple of additional Gulf Coast Toads were seen at the main ponds, as well as outside the restroom at the end of the night.
Mike was kind enough to set up his bug light for us, and folks got to see some flying invertebrates after the amphibian monitoring was done. Thanks, Mike !
Many thanks to everyone that spotted and netted frogs and toads; carried buckets, nets, and the clipboard; shone flashlights where needed; were quiet when needed; and helped others to have a safe and fun outing.
The monitoring period was 19:30 - 21:30.
Participants were Kathy, Mike & Carol & Mariah, Amy & Mike & Jimmy (& Zelda), Christie, Carolyn, Jim, Mary Ann & Tobyn (who patted a toadie for the first time - way to go, Tobyn !), Keri, Mark & Tracy (welcome !), Kim (welcome !), Krystal (welcome !), and Bekki (welcome !).
Environmental conditions at the main pond an hour after sunset:

  • Air temperature = 82.4 deg F
  • Water temperature = 77.9 deg F
  • Sky = No/few clouds
  • Water level = average
  • Relative humidity = 53 %
Publicado el septiembre 22, 2019 09:10 TARDE por k_mccormack k_mccormack | 2 observaciones | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
