Archivos de diario de octubre 2019

20 de octubre de 2019

Berry Springs Preserve Herps of Texas report, 19Oct2019

Although Austin's Camp Mabry had another record high of 96 deg F, and it was still warm when we started our monthly amphibian monitoring, a couple of cold fronts and a little bit of rain over the last two weeks have eased the drought conditions somewhat. The middle slough springhead was dry, and the artesian well was not flowing, but the main ponds still had water.
A dozen folks pitched in by stopping to look and listen, shining flashlights, spotting frogs, catching toads, carrying equipment, and doing bucket lid duty. We observed four amphibian species - Blanchard's Cricket Frog (Call Index = 0), Gulf Coast Toad (CI = 0), Rio Grande Leopard Frog (CI = 2), and American Bullfrog (CI = 0). The latter was observed in the slough between the playground and the main pond, but it escaped capture and getting its picture taken.
The monitoring period was 18:55 - 20:40.
Participants were Kathy, Amy & Mike, Christie, Carolyn & Susan (welcome !) & Gary (welcome !), Jim, Keri, Mark & Tracy, and Lynne.
Environmental conditions at the main pond 1.5 hours after sunset:

  • Air temperature = 68.4 deg F
  • Water temperature = 71.5 deg F
  • Sky = No/few clouds
  • Water level = below average
  • Relative humidity = 41 %
Publicado el octubre 20, 2019 03:48 TARDE por k_mccormack k_mccormack | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
