Diario del proyecto Illinois Botanists Big Year 2021

Archivos de diario de junio 2021

05 de junio de 2021

June 2021 ILBBY Update

Lupinus perennis (wild lupine) by @bonsaisai in Lee County.

2021 Illinois Botany on iNat

As of the end of May 2021 we've got...
4,827 observers
74,248 Needs ID or Research Grade observations (34,489 or 46.5% Research Grade)
1,251 species (Research Grade)
1,215 identifiers - help identify!

Leading for number of species in the Illinois Botanists Big Year (ILBBY) is now @adriansydor at 503 species. Following up are @wildlandblogger, @abelkinser, @johnhboldt, @elfaulkner, @grantfessler, @brdnrdr, @sedge, @mmasell, and @skrentnyjeff.

Thanks a billion to @williambee @wildlandblogger @wetlandfan @wdvanhem @vvoelker @tsn @trscavo @trh_blue @tom_lazar @thomasfriedrich @tararat @taco2000 @subaya @stephsandwich @spiritconnection @someplant @sedge @rynxs @ryneboi @rnelson15 @rgraveolens @rarecatsnake @rafaelurbinacasanova @rachelperezudell @paulswitzer @partspermillion @oxalismtp @naturalist_zeb @mrostrowski @morelock37 @mmmmbugs @mmasell @mjpapay @missgreen @micahbowman @matthias55 @marltrotter @lilphoebe @lcplinske @lallen @kurt170 @ksandsman @kkucera @kennedy9094 @k2018lena @jonidenker @joedziewa @jillianneece1 @jfgaskin @j_p3 @irenejhf @igor_kuzmin @hmsii @hazelnutman @greensnake879 @grazing @grantfessler @finndalaymo @ewarden @evan8 @else @elfaulkner @dziomber @dennis_nyberg @davidschwaegler @davidenrique @danielpohl @danielatha @d_coulter @crwrcwamt @conboy @choess @chase-prairie @chartreuse @charco_pluff @chanmmm @cellodottone @caryaovata @brothernorbert @breanddave @brdnrdr @bradoberle @batgirl @aphili8 @apgarm @alex_abair @albach @adriansydor @abelkinser who all made more than 50 IDs in May on other people's Illinois plant observations.


New to the ILBBY project since our last update are: @ebeobservations @breanddave @pfshannon @stephsandwich

New to iNaturalist (Illinois plant observers) in the past few weeks are almost 500 people! A few newbies with quite a few observations already are: @wwahl @tnagel4 @swgpotter @stephbrink @sgperpignani @seinfeldin5a @sarabeara007 @mulyza @mcmule @hexagonaria @edstrenski @chiforager @chadfm33 @cebeidelman @catush94 @cathyph @carylrd @bozulbang @annamfroeschle

Welcome everyone! If you'd like to join the Illinois Botanists Big Year and get updates like these, hit "Join" in the top right corner here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/illinois-botanists-big-year-2021

To give new Illinois iNatters a special helping hand, here is a link to identify their observations:

Species New to Illinois on iNat

Keep an eye on these links below for any documentations that are a first for Illinois on iNaturalist in 2021. You'll often find species on here that are the result of computer vision errors as well as observations that should be marked captive/cultivated. Fixing these helps sort the wheat from the chaff and keeps range maps representative of wild organisms. Many thanks to all who help with quality control. Also, by sorting "not in common", and "before 2021" from most to fewest, you can use these links as a "hitlist" for species we haven't yet found in 2021.

Plant Pic Picks

Finally, here are our plant pic picks from April observations.
Add a "fave" to your favorite observations to help highlight beautiful photos and cool observations!

Camassia scilloides (wild hyacinth) by @ksandsman in Will County.

Phlox divaricata (woodland phlox) by @judyu in Winnebago County.

Primula mistassinica (Mistassini primrose) by @micahbowman in Jo Daviess County.

Trillium viride (wood wakerobin) by @sedge in Union County.

Geum triflorum (prairie smoke) by @skrentnyjeff in Ogle County.

Trillium recurvatum (prairie trillium) oddball by @ashleywold in Lake County.

Happy botanizing!
-cassi / @bouteloua

Publicado el junio 5, 2021 12:43 MAÑANA por bouteloua bouteloua | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario